Sunday, January 11, 2015

Post Birthday

The day has passed, another year is beginning. Suddenly at midnight last night I became a year older. Funny feeling but it's mine.

People don't have too many things that they can really call their own but birthdays are one of them. We all have one and that is one thing that should hold us together. We were all born on a particular day and particular time and that is ours and ours alone.

We can use it as a remembrance day to remember back our lives or just forget the whole thing and go about our business like any ordinary day. But somehow we all keep in our minds that particular day when we came to this world. And we all celebrate it in a different way.

My day yesterday turned out to be very nice. Even though I did write about that day I usually don't make it a big thing. I had a lot of birthdays and I'm kind of used to them. But this year's was made very special for different reasons.

One, that last year at this time my Wife gave me such a lovely card that I cried when I re-read it yesterday morning. Then She was here with me and we were happy and totally clueless of what the future had in store for us.

But things happened and now I am trying to normalize my life. I had an outpouring of love from my friends in the forms of greeting cards and telephone calls and every single one was greatly appreciated.

I also have a new person in my life who greatly contributed and continues to contribute to my all around well being. She is a very lovely young lady who for some unfathomable reason thinks a lot more of me than I do myself. We see each other a lot and enjoy being together. We laugh, we joke, we banter. And at this time my spirits are soaring.

If this means to be therapy it is working. If this is just sheer luck from my part then I am now a very lucky man. As I noted before she is a pretty young lady and being with her makes me feel young again and that is one of the greatest feeling one can have.

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