Thursday, April 30, 2015


Today I was informed that I have a new friend. This friend is not unselfish, this friend does not care about me one way or another and this friend will be happy only when he has all my money.

This friend is the Metropolitan Opera.

Today I received a very thick envelope addressed to me and I was called "Dear Friend". I went to the opera twice this year, going again next week and now they think we are friends.

What do they want? In one word: money. Actually they sent us next year's schedule which would permit us to subscribe to certain performances ahead of the tickets being offered to the public. We are thinking about buying a few tickets at this time to a few performances. It will also give me time to get my tuxedo out of mothball and get it wearable.

I was looking at the Met's ticket order blank and at the bottom there are a few little notes added. One is Suggested Member Contribution $150 another is Suggested Met Titles for $25. Oh, then there is a $2.50 per ticket Facility Fee.

I am seriously thinking how much should I donate to the Metropolitan Opera. All my money or just half of it.

Wednesday, April 29, 2015


Today is Tuesday and so far the day is very pleasantly rolling along. The weather is nice, there is peace and quiet around the house, what can go wrong one may ask.

Ok, I am totally pissed!

We bought a small metallic organizer from Bed, Beth and Beyond for the bathroom. This will add more shelf space to place stuff. The damn thing came in a flat box, to be assembled at home. Looked very easy, needs only twelve screws to put it together. Even I could do it.

So, earlier I decided that today is the day to do put my handiness to work.

Took out all the parts, checked the inventory and started the work. It went pretty easy and the thing started to take shape. All went well, until...

I am ready to install the wheels into the four legs when I noticed that one of the legs was missing an insert that supposed to hold the wheel in place. That made the whole thing unusable. Now I have to return it.

Lousy Chinese product! They were probably going to the chow mein break and figured this is good enough for the stupid Americans.

This what we get for getting crap from a crappy source.

Tuesday, April 28, 2015


Today, Monday, I went into Manhattan for a doctor's visit. Nothing serious just a periodic checkup so the doctor may present a legitimate insurance claim. I happen to like this doctor and I really don't mind the trip into the Big City. Besides he gave me a clean bill of health and told me I looked very happy and good.

Actually he is a urologist meaning that his definition of clean bill of health is limited to a certain part of the human anatomy. But that was good enough for me.

Will see me in six months because that is when he will need another infusion into his bank account.

So, I took my favorite urban transport, the subway, into Manhattan. Rush hour being done it was a pleasant ride. Train came fast, got seat and the trip was quick. Around 10:45 the weather was very pleasant with the sun out. I took a leisurely walk from the subway station to his office and right through Bryant Park. That is such a nice park with very few people out there that had I the time I would have sat down and enjoyed the fresh air.

There are a couple of great things in life. One of them falling asleep front of the television. One just sits there and slowly gives himself over to sleep. Today I realized that the same pleasure can be achieved from falling asleep on the subway. I had such a great snooze on the train both going into Manhattan and then coming home that I can not describe it.

The difference is that the one at home is free while the subway snooze I paid for.

Monday, April 27, 2015

Wishful Thinking

Funny things happen in life and some just happen with no explanation. Here is my story.

This last Saturday we got back to my apartment and I stayed there for the better part of the day because the building super promised to come up and fix a faucet in the bathroom and plus we were expecting a FedEx delivery.

So I just stayed and waited and waited and in my free time just got annoyed at the kitchen floor. Around 11 am the super said he would be up shortly.

Shortly in super lingo is at least an hour and a half. Anyway, my girlfriend came home from work around 1:30 sat down and said she wished the super were here already. With that the doorbell rang and lo and behold the man arrived. He stayed for about an hour fixed everything and left.

Now only FedEx was missing. According the tracking information the thing was on the truck and was being delivered sometime during the day. But we didn't know when. So we just waited some more but eventually got pretty restless.

Eventually we went down to the street thinking that with that the truck will arrive sooner. And you know what? In less than five minutes after that a FedEx truck pulled up front of our building and the woman driver got out with our package in her hands. I jokingly remarked if went down to the street earlier she would have arrived sooner.

But it is interesting that these two thing happened pretty much as we wished them to happen.

I'll try it with the Lottery.

Sunday, April 26, 2015


It is absolutely disgusting how expensive theater tickets are in New York. The greediness of the theaters on Broadway really turns my stomach.

There are a couple of shows by the Walt Disney Company that obviously aimed at children and as such it is sure that kids don't go alone but with their parents.

Prices star at around or over $400 and in many instances there are none less than around $120. That means that a family of three or four can easily spend close to a thousand dollars for a kid show.

This is wrong and this is immoral. This is capitalism at its worst!

These people don't care that these shows are aimed at children, they only see the dollar signs and think about how much profit they can make.

Since these shows are famous and fairly long running and they play before full houses thanks to the idiot tourists there are no discounts offered. Why should they when Joe Blow comes here from Oklahoma and pays through the nose to entertain his family of four.

And then they come to the theater with cow dung stuck to their boot heels, in dirty jeans and loaded down with shopping bags. And the New York City government kisses their backsides because of the money they leave here.

And us locals have to suffer because of them.

Saturday, April 25, 2015


Today is Friday and I don't expect much of anything exciting happening. But then I have been known to be wrong before about stuff like this. But one can always hope.

Later in the day we will withdraw to our weekend hideaway and remain there relaxing until sometime Sunday.

This sentence sound like some royalty is making public their weekend plans.

There is nothing wrong with making grandiose statements, right?

In the past few days we were getting heat in the apartment because it has been so cold. This morning when I was taking the little girl to school I even saw snow flurries for a short while. What a crazy world we live in.

Oh, by the way, the Hungarian cold cuts dinner last night was superb. I even had some of that stuff for breakfast today.

This is a good life we live now!

Friday, April 24, 2015


Today is Thursday and for a change there is nothing exiting planned for the day. But who knows!

We plan to clean house, do a little furniture rearranging and more importantly I already started to clean out some drawers and closets.

This clean up involves going over not needed clothing and give them away for charity. This is not a small task. I already have two large plastic bags filled with things no longer needed.

In the past I tried to give away stuff to friends but not everything was the right size or the correct style so I got stuck with the leftovers. I decided that now is the time to really clean house.

Probably by the time we catalog everything and put them in bags it will be sometime in the afternoon and then we will drive over to the Salvation Army Thrift Shop and drop them off. That is the simplest way of doing this thing.

They are very appreciative, they give paper receipts and this is tax deductible. This last is not the most important thing but it is a very useable fact.

This is now a few hours later and I am proud to say that we accomplished what we set out to do.

Something else.

It is a darn shame that in a big city like New York is with its mélange of different nationalities one can not find a Hungarian butcher or meat store. There was one in Manhattan but it burned down some years ago and was never reopened again.

There are several Russian stores where one can find good cold cuts but none is as good as the real stuff I like. Well, who needs them. Today we visited a store where they speak Hungarian and sell all the good stuff we all like. The fact that it is a Romanian store is not important because they compensate that with the good Hungarian flavors.

The interesting thing is that the guys behind the counter are mostly Hispanic but they all understand and respond in Hungarian when that is how one orders. Unfortunately we went in there hungry and being such a way we ordered everything under the sun. Spent a fortune but at the end had a great dinner at home with the cold cuts, szalonna (bacon) and toportyu (crackling) and their fantastic bread.

And I almost forgot the beer that accompanied this scrumptious (and low calorie) dinner.

Thursday, April 23, 2015


Today is Wednesday and nothing exciting happened this week so far with the exception of the sticky floor.

That damn floor is keeping me very busy. The gook keeps bubbling out from between the joints and I have the great talent to step on every one of them. Friday I bought myself ten pairs of sport socks for home use. Because of this stupid floor I only have five pairs left because every day one pair gets so messy and sticky that I have to throw that out.

I wish it was already dry and behave normal.

Something else.

Today I called Stockholm, Sweden. It is amazing how the world is at one's fingertips through the wonders of telephone. I dial, there it rings and eureka, I am talking to Sweden.

I wanted to call the hotel we will be staying to confirm our reservation. One might think it is an easy thing to do. It ain't!

I went on their website and called every number listed. They were 800 or 877 area codes and I thought how nice, all toll free numbers. It turned out none were connected to the hotel but to some reservation service with no connection to the hotel.

But then the light went on in my brain and looked up the Swedish Yahoo site and through that I found the correct telephone number. They immediately answered (in Swedish) and spoke perfect English. I was relieved to be told that our reservation is good.

Five weeks and counting.

Wednesday, April 22, 2015


There is an old theater in Budapest called the Operetta Theater of Budapest where they only play musicals or rather operettas. Hungarian theater scene is never lacking good operettas. Both of Hungarian origin or adopted from foreign languages.

I think it opened around 1923 or about and it is a very beautiful old style theater. I love going there and at every visit to Budapest I make sure I go and see at least one show.

This time it will be no exception because thanks to the Internet I just bought two tickets to a real Hungarian operetta. I am absolutely not interested to see the Hungarian version of a Broadway show and because of that I am always looking for something Hungarian.

Ticket prices are pretty expensive by their standard but very, very affordable for us.

In these old fashioned theaters, like in the Opera House there is always a so called royal box in the middle of the first balcony. That they don't sell , it is kept for dignitaries. But left and right are very good boxes that are comfortable with great views of the stage and private. These are the boxes I like.

The first time we sat there, years ago I was very surprised when in intermission we were very politely directed to a private room where every box had a separate table with finger sandwiches and all kinds of refreshments. Both alcoholic and non-alcoholic. Oh, and that room had separate bathrooms so there was no need to stand on line with the crowd.

And all this was included with the ticket price.

After this first time experience I always made a successful effort to secure our tickets in that area. This time was no exception. I got two tickets to the box next to the royal box and we also will have access to the private room.

And all this for $57 for two tickets. Now is this a bargain or is this a bargain?

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Last Saturday

Saturday started out as a very nice day. The weather was nice and warm and I thought we will have a pleasant day together not doing much of anything useful. But plans have a tendency of changing.

A while back we decided to change the flooring in our kitchen which was to be part of the revamping effort. So we went to Home Deport and bought the flooring material and were looking at it for weeks waiting for it to place itself in the kitchen. That not happening I thought this past Sunday would have been the perfect day to do the job.

My girlfriend suggested to do it on Saturday, so Saturday it was.

I have to explain that some years ago I placed the vinyl tiles and it was a nice and easy effort. They were 12" by 12" pieces, self sticking, easily cuttable therefore easily placeable. That took about two hours to complete.

This time we bought 12"x36" tiles and I figured this was to be even easier because we would have to lay one tile for every three original tiles. How wrong I was!

These were not self sticking, they needed a sticky gook on the floor and it was very difficult to cut them. Two of us worked over four hours on that damn floor with my girlfriend doing most of the work and me only assisting.

Yet when it was over we both hurt like hell from the bendings, kneelings and cuttings. In addition, that gook we put under the tiles kept coming up between the joints and stuck to the soles of our feet and messed up everything from floor to doorknobs.

Yesterday, Sunday we really hurt all over our bodies. That was when the pain really started to surface. Even though I was the kibitz I hurt in places I never knew existed much less can hurt.

Today is Monday and I spent the better part of the morning cleaning up that damn floor. The gook keeps coming up it doesn't want to dry and everywhere I step I stick to the floor.

I'm getting pretty sick of this masterpiece. I just hope that by tomorrow things will get a little more civilized and the kitchen will be as it should.

Hopefully, I won't have to do this too many more times in my lifetime.

Monday, April 20, 2015


Friday night we went out to Manhattan Beach. It was a lovely night and we decided to take a nice leisurely walk along the water at Sheepshead Bay. The water was calm as it should be in a bay and there are always a great number of ducks, geese and swans around.

These birds wait for people to feed them and I guess they are not hard pressed for food because I always see people feeding them.

This time however I noticed that there were no swans around. Walking further we saw that all the swans were congregated in one area. I figured that maybe they had a party or something. But after some observation I noticed that there were a few who were swimming around with their wings slightly raised.

I know that swans mate for life and I figured these were males strutting their stuff trying to catch females. Usual Friday night thing to do when one is a single male!

These birds swam around but as long as we were watching them but there were no females responding. I really felt sorry for these poor guys.

Until I noticed two of the supposedly male swans rubbing their faces together in a kind of loving gesture. So, I came to the following conclusion. Either my theory about single males looking for a nice night on the beach was wrong or there are gay swans around.

I am leaning toward the faggot swan theory!

Sunday, April 19, 2015


There are cheap people and there are really cheap people. I personally have nothing against looking for a bargain and not throwing one's money away but I do hate the extremely cheap and penny pinching types.

Lately when I drive around I noticed something that I find extremely cheap.

Driving by JFK Airport and by LaGuardia Airport I noticed long lines of cars standing on the shoulders along the parkways and waiting. I never noticed them before until somebody pointed out to me and explained the situation.

These cars are waiting for somebody to arrive at these airports and when they land I guess they call the waiting party who then drive to the proper terminal and pick them up. Both airports have ample parking, ok they are pay parking lots, but these people chose to skip the pay part and wait on the shoulders, sitting in their cars, idling their engines and waste gasoline. These are not old cheapo cars. They are mostly the latest models so the people in them are not hard pressed for money.

Police periodically chase them away because this is illegal but just like the swallows of Capistrano they do return.

To me this almost the epitome of cheapness.

There is a man living in my apartment building who used to come home from work around the same time as I did. I noticed that he never took the shortest route from the subway station to our building and I was wandering why not.

One day I noticed that he went around the neighborhood to where the public telephones were. Back then we still had public phones on the streets. He stuck his fingers into the change return box of every phone to see if maybe there were some forgotten quarters. He is a nice Jewish man who had a decent job at the time so why he needed tis money?

Maybe he needed the exercise.

Saturday, April 18, 2015


In the previous three days they were doing some kind of state tests in New York schools. I think this is a statewide thing being applied to every grade. I don't know what the are purposes of these test but I guess it is to determine how smart or not smart the next generation is. These tests are given every school year so the kids should be used to it by now.

This was in the news because there are parents who don't want their children to take these tests. They say there are about 50,000 kids this time kept from taking these tests and their numbers are growing. The reasoning of the parents are that these tests are too difficult, they cause anxiety, they make kids nervous and eventually sick.

In my opinion only stupid kids would get sick because they know they can not do these tests correctly. Parents claim the tests are too difficult. Maybe they are too difficult for the parents because they are not smart enough!

What's the point to give easy tests? Tests are not meant to be easy. They are not to breeze through. They are programmed for people to use their minds in order to complete them.

I can not understand how can parents get involved in something that is none of their business. How can they tell professional educators what to teach their children. If they want their kids to stay stupid it is their business, then keep them home from school let them squeeze through the school years and maybe they can become professional night watchmen and work for peanuts. But then don't blame society for the lack of education.

If I would have said to my parents that I wanted to stay home from school because an upcoming test or tests were too difficult I probably wouldn't have lived to see the next day and that would have been the only way I could have stay out.

Something like this can only happen in America where protesting is a national pastime. It seem to be more popular than baseball.

The minute some kids can successfully finish a test that test is not out of range for the rest. They just need the wherewithal to do it.

Friday, April 17, 2015


Lately we have been watching a few Andre Rieu cds and we both just love his music, his presentation and his entertaining style. He is on public television several times but most of his shows are taped.

One time I was really interested in attending such a show but it turned out that most of the tickets were only available to supporters of Public Television. I told them that I wholeheartedly support them but I was told to put my mouth to where my checkbook is and at that point I hung up the phone.

Now since my girlfriend and I both love him we wanted to see one of his shows.

We checked his extensive schedule that reaches far into 2016 and very interestingly there are no North American tours scheduled at all. He will go to Chile and he will appear in Mexico for about four days but will not come to the states.

He will tour Europe and will go to England but no tours in the states. I wonder why!

I am sure the concert halls would be filled every single time he is scheduled to appear. Maybe he just doesn't like Americans! Not that I would blame him. We are not a very likeable bunch.

Thursday, April 16, 2015


Yesterday, Tuesday was my girlfriend's birthday and I wanted to give her a nice day. I wished she didn't have to go to work and spent the day together but I still think it was nice.

Actually, the Opera the night before was the lead in to her day. The morning of Tuesday started by me bringing her coffee to bed. Then her daughter brought her the presents she bought which she really loved. Then it continued with me giving her a birthday card (not electronic, but real) and some jewelry which I hope she will like.

Knowing women it is not easy to give anything because we have to second guess their likes and don't likes. But I think my choices were successful.

I also bought her a nice bouquet of flowers because I know she loves those. Then we continued the celebration in the evening by going out to dinner.

Actually the dinner turned out to be very nice. It was not a romantic dinner because we invited my 92 year old friend who lives alone and along with her daughter the four of us had a very, very nice dinner. And that was the story of yesterday.

Just a side story.

At the restaurant, a well known chain, we ordered four different entrees. When served my friend's and mine were fine but theirs came out cold. So, naturally we sent those back. Well, from the server on all the way to the manager they came over to apologize and assure us that they will be serving a brand new entrées and not reheated ones. The manager also said we would be given a free dessert to show how sorry they were for the inconvenience.

This was big time ass kissing and I just loved it. Good country America!

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Aida Monday

As I mentioned a few times before, yesterday was Opera Day. Here are a few thoughts about the night.

I noted earlier that I believed Monday nights were the dressy nights or at least used to be. Actually, there were more than a few people dressed to the nines. I saw tuxedos and tails on men and several women in long gowns. Many men sported bow ties which seem to be the style and many more women wore really nice dresses (not long ones). These were nice to look at.

On the other hand there were people in jeans, sneakers or in just plain schmatta. And those people were not just sitting in the less expensive seats but all over the Met.

Opera even if one goes frequently is a little different than a Broadway show. This is a little higher level of entertainment and the ticket prices reflect that. People should show a little more respect to the artists and to the environment by dressing up and not coming as they would to the neighborhood bar.

We had two intermissions and we just stood and watched the people and commented on their dresses and behaviors. It was pretty entertaining.

The Metropolitan Opera is not shy when it comes to pricing things. First, even the least expensive ticket is expensive. If one wants a really good seat one can spend his salary or pension on the price of a ticket. They also charge $20 for a small glass of champagne and people stand in a long queue for it. Two glasses sold and the bottle is paid for!

All in all the evening was great and we enjoyed ourselves immensely.

The only problem we had was that the performance was over at 11:15 and by the time we got out of the garage was past 11:30. It is not easy to find a place to eat in the City that Never Sleeps. Actually it was impossible because the City was asleep. As a result we drove home and stopped near us at an all night place and had something to eat.

Thanks for the existence of diners.

Tuesday, April 14, 2015


Today, Monday is the first "normal" day after the Spring Break. Up at 6:45, fix breakfast, prepare lunch, take the kid to school.

I'm sure this sounds familiar to many people but it is new to me. Don't misunderstand, I am not complaining. I really like the organized nature of this thing. Even though every day is different there are certain similar events that are tied to schedules. And that is how I like it.

Something else.

I read that years ago Monday night was the fancy night at the Opera. That was the night when people really dressed up. I guess high society wanted to show that they don't have to go to work on the next day therefore they can put on their finest on a weekday.

According to the Internet that custom no longer rules but they also say that we shouldn't be surprised if we see people in their long gowns or tuxedos.

Well, my tuxedo is in dry dock and my girlfriend will not wear her long gown either. We might get stoned by some wannabe socialites but we just going to have to take the abuse.

Rest of this afternoon I will be catching up on my Italian so I might understand what the heck they are all singing about.

Monday, April 13, 2015


Sunday came and went. I am totally worn out, dead tired. But it is a good tiredness. Between Saturday early afternoon until late Sunday night it was a non-stop busy time.

We didn't do anything out of the ordinary but were constantly on the move. Early Saturday afternoon we took a ride out to Jones beach to enjoy the beautiful weather. It was mild and all sun so we just enjoyed to salt air and the peace and quiet.

After the beach we did our usual Saturday supermarket shopping after which we drove out to Manhattan Beach to spend there the remainder of the weekend.

We had a lovely dinner then we turned in and after a while sleep came which lasted until about ten the next morning.

After a nice leisurely breakfast we took a long walk along the waterfront. Today the weather was equally gorgeous, sunny and mild with a lot of people enjoying the outdoors.

Late afternoon we returned to our "winter palace" in Queens. Went down to do some incidental shopping, had dinner and called it a day.

Monday things will return to normal, meaning school starts and in the evening we will be going to the Opera.

That is a normal weekday in our house.

Sunday, April 12, 2015


It is hard to comprehend, at least for me, why people feel obligated to meddle in other people's affairs even when those affairs do not affect their lives. Some people just meddle simply for the sake of meddling.

Case in point is an unnamed "friend" who took upon herself to get involved in my affairs. It seems to irk her that I am VERY involved with a young(er) woman who happens to make my life a lot more pleasant and a lot more fulfilling than it has been in the recent past.

Justifying her comments behind several decades of friendship she is trying to convince me, through a third party, that my involvement is wrong and I should come to my senses and should discontinue my relationship.

Now, this third party is a very dear mutual friend who happens to be at an advanced age, lost his wife several years ago and lives alone. I have been visiting this person regularly and highly value his opinion. Interestingly it was him and his wife who introduced me to my recently deceased wife in 1978. Now it was through him that I met this young lady with whom I hope to have a very long and happy relationship. This means this friend has a very good track record.

My meddling friend did not bother to inquire about the well being of this elderly gentleman for a very long time. Suddenly now she is calling him at least weekly if not more frequently and trying to fill his head about the errors of my and our ways.

The funny thing is and she is not capable to understand that my friend is on our side and did tell her repeatedly that this affair is none of her business.

I honestly appreciate the effort that she wants to point me in the right direction but the problem is that her right direction is not my right direction. She is an elderly woman whose life is boring and monotone. If she is as good a friend as she claims to be she would be happy for me that I found real love and somebody who unabashedly cares for me and I for her and we continuously make our lives exiting.

There is no crime in feeling young(er) again. Maybe she should also try it!

Saturday, April 11, 2015


Today is Friday and it is still a very crummy day. Cool, drizzly, totally uncomfortable. But since we have no real outdoor events planned I guess we just going to have to deal with it.

But yesterday we had a very nice day. As I mentioned earlier we went to New Jersey to visit a very dear friend of mine whom I visit periodically since she lives alone. Our friendship goes back about 58 years and we like to keep it going for at least another 58 years.

This visit was more important to me because this was the first time she met my girlfriend. They hit it off immediately and we all had a great time together. This friend is a great cook, a fantastic hostess and it goes without mention that we ate and ate and ate.

She used to give me food to take home but this time she realized that I am in good hands and starvation is not something I have to be afraid of.

Even though she lives only about a hundred miles from my house it still took us almost three hours to get there thanks to an accident on the New Jersey Turnpike that slowed traffic almost to a crawl.

We left her house about 7:30 in the evening and the homebound drive was bordering on the pleasant. I guess I am a perfectionist, meaning I am never satisfied.

My girlfriend says I always complain and nothing is good enough for me.

Maybe that is part of my charm!

Friday, April 10, 2015


Today is Thursday and because I am extremely occupied I might not have the time to write today's thoughts.

We are leaving to visit a dear friend in another state and this is planned to be a whole day trip. By the time we get back to Manhattan Beach it will be late evening and because of some weird reason I can not access this blog from another computer I will not be able to write.

Hey, that's technology or my ineptness at dealing with it.

Anyway, I am looking forward to the trip even though the weather is lousy. Not a perfect driving weather. But hopefully all will go well.

Thursday, April 9, 2015


As I mentioned earlier we bought our plane tickets for our Las Vegas Vacation. When checking the airline schedules I was very surprised to see how few airlines were providing non-stop service between New York and Las Vegas. And, how expensive the tickets were.

But then I had a brilliant idea. I checked my American Airlines mileage account and found that I am the proud owner of a whole lot of miles. Thanks to our annual trips to St. Maarten on American Airlines and credit card purchases I did amass a nice account.

Using these miles we bought our tickets and instead of costing over a thousand dollars it cost only about $300. But the beauty of it is that even though we have to change plane in Phoenix, Arizona the first leg is on first class since that was what was available.

I have never ever traveled on first class so I am a little excited about this. Coming back to NY is a non-stop flight and we will be traveling with the rest of the common people.

I wish I can travel to Europe on first class but I guess I have to wait for winning on the Lottery.

Wednesday, April 8, 2015


Today is Tuesday. In the morning I went to the gym for a little workout. It felt really good. I was pleasantly surprised that being Spring Break time the place was crowded less than usual. I guess the young people rather sleep late than go for a workout. Better for me.

After yesterday's beautiful real springlike weather today is the pits. On and off drizzle and cooler. Here in my apartment the heat is on which means that the outside temperature must be below 55 degrees Fahrenheit.

Today I went to the bank to look at my safe deposit box because I was convinced that some original Hungarian document about me was there. To my great disappointment it was not there. Now I am totally stumped about its where being. My apartment is not big that it would have places I don't know about but I must do a serious search to look for it. I even know what it looks like I just don't know where it is.

Monday we bought all the tickets for the shows in Las Vegas we would like to see. Interesting that it is still early April but tickets for end of August are already scarce.

But we were able to harness two tickets to a Celine Dion concert. The others are a Cirque du Soleil show and a Las Vegas revue show.

And we also reserved the plane tickets because I figured as long as we have tickets to shows we might as well have plane tickets, too.

Tuesday, April 7, 2015


Frequently I amaze myself at how intelligent and knowledgeable I am. And this time was no exception.

As I mentioned Yesterday we were out at Manhattan Beach. The area is well known for its saturation of Russian people. Not necessary Jewish but Russian of all religions. So yesterday I was standing at the water and watching the people walk up and down at this bayside promenade when I noticed that many of them were carrying palm branches in their hands.

This puzzled me being Easter Sunday but I thought it might have been a Russian custom. Until a light went on in my brain and I realized that according to the Russian Orthodox calendar yesterday was Palm Sunday. Then it all made sense and suddenly I was very proud of myself.

Next Sunday, the 12th will be their Easter Sunday and I am curious to see if they will go and walk around dressed nicely as they did it yesterday on Fifth Avenue. This particular area is very picturesque and I can not imagine a nicer location than this to walk around in a nice Spring weather.

I also had a chance to visit a very nice local Russian supermarket. Most of the workers are Russian speaking as well as the costumers but the workers all speak English.

One advise, don't go in hungry! Everything look so appetizing that it is hard to resist. All the breads look fresh and tasty. The cold cuts are in a large variety and unbelievably good. Hands down better than any American supermarket. There are also the usual staple of American brands but they pale in comparison to their own.

At closer look one finds that most of the Russian labeled items are made in the US but still just the packaging make it all the more appetizing. And I said it before that even the unknown or unusual is better than the old being used to stuff.

There are no more Hungarian meat stores in New York but at this point I really don't need them, I have the Russians.

Monday, April 6, 2015

Easter Sunday

Today was Easter Sunday. People who went out to strut their stuff as it has been the custom been lucky because the better part of the day was really nice and springlike.

I spent the better part of the weekend on Manhattan Beach in our weekend hideaway. Had a great time. Yesterday we went on an ginormous walk in the area. That neighborhood is populated predominantly by Russians. And wherever they move in they build their homes in places of the existing houses.

I saw many such homes in Queens but they were nothing compared to the ones I had the opportunity to see yesterday. Opulent is not a strong enough word to express what they look like. I can not even imagine the wealth these homes represent. Some of them are real palaces some just huge and unusual. But they are all well kept and they are all in nice and clean areas.

Last night we went to a nice local seafood restaurant where I had a half a dozen raw oysters among other food. The rest of the food was very good.

Today we came back to my place because my girlfriend's little daughter had her first sleepover tonight with her friends. And I guess that is a big thing for little girls because she has been talking about it for weeks. The next one I'm sure will go down much easier.

Providing there is parent who will volunteer their home for such an event!

Sunday, April 5, 2015


Today is Saturday, the day before Easter Sunday and the first day of Passover. Neither has much importance to me but still I do get carried away by this multitude of holidays.

Just to show what an equal opportunity person I am, last night we had a beautiful Seder. Today I am not supposed to eat bread so I'll observe that for a while but not for long. Now, tomorrow is Easter Sunday and my girlfriend will cook a nice ham for me. This will show that I'm not against either holidays but not for each one either.

For me the eating part is the only important factor in them.

Saturdays we usually do our weekly supermarket shopping but this time we will skip it. Last week we bought humongous amounts of stuff and since we have this giant of a refrigerator in the kitchen we really don't need anything. We always do little incidental purchases during the week and that makes it unnecessary to do anything today. So, today is a day of rest.

Later on we probably go to our weekend hideaway in Brooklyn and stay there until Sunday afternoon. I really don't mind this change of pace. Actually I am now looking forward to it.

Another important factor of this weekend is that the Stock Market was closed Friday but sadly it will be open on Monday even though most of the world's markets will be closed. I like it when the New York market is closed because it will not have a chance to crap out like it always does.

This is a weird country. They are so hung up on separating religion from normal life that there is absolutely no religious holidays being observed at all. Christmas in their minds is not a religious holiday.

Even when the rest of the Christian world observes Easter this country shuns it. Good Friday and Easter Monday are nothing as far as they are concerned. The Stock Market is a stand alone entity they call their own shots and that is why they are able to close whenever they want to.

But as they say, love it or leave it. I guess we just have to put up with it.

Saturday, April 4, 2015

Good Friday

Today is Good Friday and the eve of Passover. These two occasions cover most of the people's religion in the New York area. Many people take the day off on Good Friday and Jewish people leave work early because tonight is Seder.

The result of this is that there were less cars on the roads and stores had less people. I like these unofficial holidays. Everything is open, everything is functioning but there are less people. I always worked on this day and it was always good to take the subways to and from work. There were no people on them and it was always easy to finds seats.

Good Friday is a Christian holiday. As a matter of fact one of the most important of all holidays.

The problem is that people don't give a hoot about its meaning. The pope and the cardinal can talk until they turn blue, people only care if they don't have to go to work. Religion and belief is limited to a small number while the rest is just going along for the ride.

I don't believe in any religion but I don't berate anybody who does unless it is done to the extreme. Extreme beliefs don't serve any purpose they are usually practiced for the persons' individual reasons.

Good Friday or Easter Sunday might be one of the holidays when Christians who usually don't go to church decide to go. Average Jews don't go to the synagogue unless it is one of the two major holidays. But even then the majority of Jews do not belong to any temple. Their belief is that if they cook the proper dinner at the proper holiday they are good Jews.

This should be called the religion of the stomach!

Overall today was a very good day. We relaxed at home until the late morning hours, thanks to the fact that Spring Break is on and I didn't have to take the little girl to school. It really felt good not to be awaken by the alarm clock but by a loving hug instead.

We had lunch with a very good friend of mine and his lovely wife. This was the first time they met my girlfriend and they hit it off from the start. My friend and I love to talk. Actually that's an understatement. We can talk for hours and hours. We went to this restaurant where we met at 1 pm and didn't leave until 4:15 pm.

And, we only covered a few things.

Friday, April 3, 2015


Today is Thursday and as such it is the last day of school for the New York City schools before Spring Break. This means that the little girl will be home from now until a week after Monday. First day back in school, I think is April 13.

Her mom goes off to work so I will try to keep her entertained. I asked her what she wanted to do or see but as of now no definite plans have been developed. These kids are funny. They are perfectly happy staying indoors and skype-ing or playing computer games or watch kids' movies.

Thinking back when I was at this age (13) I don't think I was or we were any different. With the exception that we had no skype, no computer. It's was not that we didn't have it, it was because they were not yet invented. Looking back those were really the dark ages of civilization.

But we were never bored. There was a funny thing that kind of entertained us in our spare times. They were called BOOKS. We read and read and read. We read all kinds of books: adventure, literature anything that was available.

My parents had a series of encyclopedias. I loved to read those volumes. It never mattered which volume I picked up or where I opened it there was always something interesting to find.

Today's kids, now that I see them close up, are totally different. My only hope is that as the years go by they change because now their sphere of interest is about the size of a pea. There is no world existing outside of playing. Helping at home is unheard of, being serious just for seriousness' sake is unheard of.

In a way they are so lucky to be able to live this easy life. The sad thing is that they don't know how lucky they are. Everything they get is coming to them and they are entitled to nothing less than the best.

Maybe I am envious of this life. I went through the war and when I was at this age we just survived the ghetto in Budapest and I was glad for the food I got. I never demanded anything and I think that stayed with me for the rest of my life.

I really like this little girl and I wish nothing but the best for her. I also wish that she would never know the sorrow we went through in our lives.

Thursday, April 2, 2015


I was in the City, and I mean Manhattan, today to see my doctor. When I go there I like to take the subway. I think it is still the best transportation to most parts of the City. There is no traffic problems, no parking problems and because I travel with a senior citizen card I only pay half price. So, if the train is slow or late I can't complain, I get what I pay for, right?

Anyway, major subway stations are magnets for various types of interesting people. A lot of places are homes to certain types of musicians. Some are good, some are bad. But they are there hoping to make some money.

The transportation authority promotes a program called 'Music under the stars'. The groups that qalify are playing legally and I guess most of them are pretty good. Today I had the opportunity to see one of these groups.

When I entered the Herald Square Station at 34th Street I heard loud but good music and then I saw a fairly large crowd. As curious as I always am I went there to see it.

There were six young man including a drummer. The rest played brass and played very well. They were entertaining and played good music. Their group was called the Lucky Chops and between numbers they collected money, sold CDs and tee shirts. They were nice, clean cut young guys not more than 22-25 years old but played like old pros.

I can not understand why the late night shows that originate from New York don't grab a few of these talents and put them on instead those lame groups they always seem to find. I guess some union rule prevents them from doing it.

This was so far one of the most interesting thing of the day.

Wednesday, April 1, 2015


Today, finally I let my conscience tall me what to do, and I did. I went to the gym and had a long and very exhausting workout. This is the new gym that I signed up to and it is free. I really like it.

It is nearer, large and have good machines. Never crowded enough that I wouldn't be able to find machines to work on. I was there for almost two hours and feel really good.

My belly didn't get any smaller but hey, I'm trying!

Something else.

I already noted earlier that I hate today's music. What I like is the music of the 50s and 60s. So, whenever there is any doo wop show on television I always try to watch it. Public television usually airs those programs and when they have some locally one have to be a contributor to be able to buy tickets.

Well, yesterday I found a show titled Pop, Rock and Doo Wop, the music of the 50s and 60s that will be playing nearby and it is totally open to the public. I immediately bought two tickets for May 2. The place is in Long Island meaning we will not have to fight City traffic and there is ample parking.

This is to show everybody my wide range of musical interests. From pop to opera! How about that?