Saturday, January 17, 2015


I heard on the news this morning that the US has the most billionaires in the world and their numbers are increasing every year. This is a very encouraging news. It means there is still hope in this life.

According to Forbes there are 1,645 billionaires in the world and about 2/3 built their own fortunes. This is a very important fact because the way I interpret it all I have to do is find something nobody thought of and voila, I'm a billionaire. Simple, no?

But there is a small problem. Everywhere I look somebody already invented something either recently or a long time ago. So, how one finds something that was not invented yet?

At one time the Whiteout seemed like a gigantic invention. What a smart way to correct typing errors, right? Now one can not even give it away for free. I just hope those people didn't spend all their monies because I'm sure they are not getting too much royalties now.

The other small problem is that most of the inventions (the simpler ones!) are hi tech related. You get a 15 year old kid, he thinks of something that is not wildly used, develops it and he is a billionaire. And he didn't even graduate from high school yet.

It is very hard to go into competition with such tough opponents. I succeed just by turning my computer on. That is about as far as my hi tech knowledge take me.

The other way to get rich is the stock market. But the way it has been acting lately it is a humongous risk. One can get rich but on the same page can become a pauper. I don't think it is knowledge, it is more the question of luck, be at the right place at the right time kind.

That's not for me either. My knowledge of the market is limited to see the numbers go up or down, and that's all.

Then what is left?

Maybe inventing the Pet Rock. But I have a feeling I missed that boat already.

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