Saturday, February 28, 2015


I really don't want to dwell on this subject but I have to make a note on my observation.

This past Wednesday I attended as already mentioned the bereavement gathering at the hospital. I also said that there was an unusually large turnout of people.

Now comes my observation and this is an opinion based on statistics is not a cold hearted comment.

Going to this place in the past year I came to observe that it seems that is a more difficult for a grownup to overcome the grief caused by the loss of a parent than the loss of a spouse.

I hear people describe the loss of a spouse in a much more calmer way than the others describe the loss of a parent. And I find this extremely curious.

Without exception surviving family members say that they are lost in the world without their mother or father while people who lost their life partners never say those words.

Unfortunately the rule of life is that parents go before their children and as tragical as it is that is the way it usually is. Now I am not fighting for equal time but I just don't understand these people who sit around this table and keep saying that they are now lost in the world, they lost their best friends and so on and so on.

And in the meanwhile the ones who lost their spouses or life partners are much more self controlled. I understand that a parent can never be replaced and a life partner can not be replaced either but the ones who lost their life partners always have the possibility to start a new life and get to know happiness once again.

This was my analysis of the situation as I observed it. Like I said at the beginning I will not dwell on this any longer.

Que sera, sera!

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