Thursday, February 19, 2015


When a man has the COLD he is on his deathbed. Half seriously speaking I can not imagine a more annoying condition than having a cold. Right now I am sniffing, coughing, wheezing, blowing my nose, eyes watering. And most of these things at the same time.

I am tired, listless, uninterested about anything and I think I am seeing that proverbial light people who came back from the edge of death talk about. If left alone I could just sit in a dark room without moving, eating and drinking until ...

My nose is all stuffed up. Can not breathe and because of that my lips are chapped. In short I am a wreck. And, I feel extremely sorry for myself!!!!!

O.k. they can not cure cancer but why they can not cure the common cold? They can cure Ebola, but why they can not cure the common cold? Apparently they can not. And that is affecting more people than anything in this world.

I just made myself a cup of Lipton chicken soup and even if I don't feel any better at least the soup was good. I love that soup. I think whoever invented the Lipton chicken noodle soup (probably Mr. Lipton) should get the Nobel Prize. That soup is one of civilization's greatest achievement.

I don't know if that is the real Jewish penicillin or the real chicken soup is but I don't care. I just love the stuff. When I have a cold, which lately is a frequent occurrence, I eat that soup by the gallon. Even if it does not help I feel better afterwards or at least my taste buds do.

My G.F. argues that I shouldn't eat that stuff but rather the real thing but I can't help it. I am a Lipton chicken noodle soup addict!

Now I said it. All my secrets are out, there is nothing left.

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