Sunday, February 22, 2015


Yesterday I received an e-mail from the airline we are scheduled to fly to Europe in May that there was a schedule change. I immediately got nervous because I was afraid the flight might be cancelled and I put so much energy into finding it.

But fortunately no. All they advised us of that our flight is leaving 20 minutes later than it was originally listed. Since we have no connecting flight it does not matter at all. But it still made me curious.

At New York's Kennedy Airport it is not unusual for a departing plane to sit and wait on the tarmac for thirty to forty minutes. Now what does that do to the schedule? Twenty minutes seem like such a short time that it does not even merit a note much less a schedule change. Besides on such a long flight like a transatlantic one it is very easy to make up the time loss and arrive at the originally scheduled time.

I don't see why they even bother. Maybe it is the Norwegian punctuality (if there is such a thing).

Something else.

Today I bought two more tickets to the opera. This time we are planning to see Aida in the middle of April. Getting into the Metropolitan Opera's price structure it is interesting to see how they are changing the prices of the seats between different calendar times. I don't understand the reasoning behind it but since there is nothing anybody can do we just have to accept it. Still couldn't find any discounts and that irks me.

I never saw Aida in the Met. I did see it in Budapest but I heard it was always a spectacular production. Now at least I'll have a chance to see it first hand. I think Placido Domingo is conducting at least that's how I read it. I guess he is getting to be too old to sing.

Good for him, at least he is still working!

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