Wednesday, December 10, 2014


As the title implies today is Tuesday. I was planning to have fairly busy day but at the end nothing happened. Well, things did happen just not what I planned.

In the morning there was torrential rain and wind in New York. Usually these things don't bother me because life does not stop just for the rain. But little after 9 am my dentist's office called and asked if I did mind if they were to cancel today's appointment and make it for tomorrow. After checking my overloaded social calendar I agreed.

But since I had no pressing social engagement for today I stayed in my pajamas for quite a while but then I came to my senses, fixed up myself and decided not to go out of the house today at all. And that was a very wise decision.

First I sat down and finished writing almost all of my Christmas card. Maybe one or two are remaining and some unexpected ones. But then the most frightening thing happened. My computer lost its Internet connection.

For me that kind of stuff is extremely frightening. Mainly because I have no clue as to what to do. I was pushing buttons here and there and nothing worked. I even called the cable company because I thought due to the bad weather something might have happened. But nothing worked. I was really pissed and desperate.

But then I had a vision or brain surge and I started doing things and lo and behold here I am. Don't ask what I did because for the life of me I can't remember. But I think it worked and that's enough for me.

But it seems that when I did this stuff I also erased some good things. Now I lost my Microsoft Office that I bought for real money and downloaded a few weeks ago. It's gone for now and I will really have to do some heavy thinking to be able to recreate it.

Bottom line: I hate this technology!

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