Monday, December 8, 2014

Saint Nick

Just a little more on yesterday's Saint Nicholas Day thing.

At least in Hungary the story little children were told that the presents at Christmas were given out by little Jesus. And also we used to give the presents on Christmas Eve and not on Christmas Day.

I think the way it was that the Christmas tree was set up in an adjoining room with all the presents around it and later in the evening, usually after supper the parents opened the door and there was everything in its majestic surroundings. And, that's when the story was told that little Jesus was there and delivered the gifts.

St. Nick or Santa Claus was and probably is not known and not observed. I don't know if it is a European or American invention but we certainly don't believe in it. In my circle of friends and family we still give the presents on Christmas Eve.

If the American businesses could make another holiday out of Saint Nicholas Day they would drop good old Santa like a hot potato.

In the days leading up to December 6 the candy stores and pastry shops in Budapest were all filled with Saint Nick figurines in all sizes and in all types of sweets. But that stuff disappears before Christmas. Actually they can be had on discount!

Something else.

Today I got into a nostalgic mood and called a friend in British Columbia. We were classmates in school in Hungary and used to be best friends. But because of the peculiar turns our lives took we went on our separate ways and did not see each other as frequently as we should have. But today I came across his telephone number and decided to call him before it is too late.

We had a great and very long conversation. Thanks to my long distance calling plan it will not cost an arm and a leg, only an arm. But it was worth it. It was nice to relieve some of our past events. It is too bad that he is so far away and so difficult to get to. It is not a distance where I can just get in my car and drive over as much as I would like to see him.

Actually, he has family in Toronto and we agreed that if he ever comes over there he'll let me know and I drive up to see him. Toronto is only a hop skip and a jump compared to British Columbia.

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