Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Doctor Monday

It is Monday afternoon and I feel good. One reason is that I woke up this morning, looked in the mirror, saw myself and realized that I didn't die from that terrible sickness called the COLD.

The other reason I feel good is that I saw my doctor this morning and she told me that I was in a very good condition. There was nothing wrong with me, physically that is, that was worth her concern. One can not imagine how good is to hear such a verdict. But reading between the lines I understood that whatever I have is caused by age and I just have to learn to live with it because there is absolutely nothing anybody can do about it.

So, I walked out of her office relieved that I can look forward to a long and healthy and maybe happy life (I hope).

Now if my money holds out I'll be o.k.

My Wife and I have been going to this doctor for over twenty five years and we both loved her very much. She is a very decent and caring person. Came to the hospital to visit mi Wife and also came to her funeral.

I hope she doesn't think about retiring because I really don't want to lose her. She is also Hungarian so we have many things in common. The problem is that we both like to talk and not always about medical issues.

When I am in with her I can single handedly turn the daily schedule upside down. We can easily spend an hour and a half just talking. Today her office manager called in that some of the patients were getting restless. But we just talked.

When she does that with other people and I am out in the waiting room I do get annoyed but eventually I do get my chance and we just talk. Eventually she also examines me and also does a little doctoring. I wouldn't change her for anything.

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