Sunday, December 14, 2014


I like all kinds of animals. I like four legged ones two legged ones even ones without legs. I like birds, fish and anything in between them. I do not kill animals. What I do is I give them a chance to live if that comes up. If I catch a bug in my apartment I do not squash it but pick it up, throw it in the toilet bowl and flush it down. This will give it a crash course at swimming!

Years ago a neighbor lady asked me come in to her apartment because there was a tiny mouse in her bathtub. The little thing got in but because of the slippery sides couldn't get out. I "stunned" it with a broom and then threw it down the incinerator chute. I was convinced that the fall wouldn't kill it and it could live a long and happy mouse life.

But I am not a vegetarian. I love meat, any kind of meat. I do believe that certain animals were put to earth with the purpose of feeding mankind. I am pretty sure that chicken don't like to retire. And neither do pigs and cows.

Now why am I writing this little thing about animals?

I like birds. I like canaries, parakeets, parrots, sparrows even seagulls and I have not much against pigeons. And I also like all the other birds that I can not name because I really don't know them.

But I hate with a passion the bird that crapped on my car on Friday. I parked under a tree while getting my hair cut and when I came out of the store there was the stuff on my beautiful new car.

Not just in one spot, but that miserable thing must have been airborne because the stuff covered the entire car from one end to the other including both sides.

There is not much more disgusting than looking at bird dropping right front of one's eyes on the windshield.

So, today I had to take the car to be washed in order to be nice and sterile. That miserable flying dirt bag cost me $11 for the wash. Probably a lot more than that flying thing was worth.

I hate that whatever that was.

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