Thursday, March 26, 2015


Sometimes the easiest looking jobs turn out to be the most difficult. Today the building super was to remove my old oven to make place for the new one. He was working for about two hours to disconnect the one single gas pipe. It turned out to be a monumental task.

The building was built in 1955 and thing installed then were a lot better and sturdier than today. As a result to disconnect this pipe appears to be an almost impossible task. I wish I could see the end of the tunnel!

I am convinced that at the end all will be well but right now I am sweating blood over this thing. At this writing he went down to buy a new gas valve because he thinks that will be the solution to his problem. I hope he is right.

Naively I thought he would come up, unscrew the pipes take out the old oven and everything will be ok. One, two three done. But it was not meant to be.

I wish it was tomorrow already. Actually, tomorrow is carpet day. That should go a lot easier and simpler.

If things meant to be simple why not complicate it? That is exactly what happened at the end.

The gas pipe was fixed, the new oven was delivered and successfully installed. It looks very nice and modern.

I bought an oven and a refrigerator and they were supposed to be delivered at the same time. The man came up, delivered the oven and went down to get the refrigerator. Then I get a call from him to come down to the front of the building to take a look. It turned out the refrigerator was damaged. One corner was pushed in like if it were dropped. He said I could take it and get a discount or he would take it back and I'll get a new one. I told him to take it back and bring out a new one.

It looks like that also will be delivered tomorrow.

Why things should go simple when they can get complicated?

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