Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Florida - 1

Today is Tuesday and I am back from my short Florida trip. This trip was so eventful that I will try to "condense" it to maybe two parts. One for the trip and the other one for being there. But if I run into three parts, hey ce la vie!

Anyway we left New York on last Thursday night at around 9:30 in the middle of a snowstorm. It's not that I don't like snow it is just the snow made driving pretty difficult. Bad visibility, inexperienced drivers, slippery road surfaces made or progress pretty slow.

It didn't matter that the New Jersey Turnpike has a 65 miles per hour speed limit at this time it was reduced to 35 mph. To add insult to injury down at the southern part of the Turnpike it was pretty icy and a couple of police cars slowed traffic to about 5 mph for approximately 45 minutes by driving in the front and daring anybody to pass them.

This way we lost a considerable time.

Even though I did drive to the South several times in my life I never did in the winter. I was very interested to see when and how will the weather start to change into the balmy tropical weather one expects in Florida. Well, the snow lasted into the northern part of North Caroline then it gradually disappeared and before I realized it palm trees started to appear.

Unfortunately the weather was pretty cool and the fact that I had some warm clothing on made it more bearable. Days before going to Daytona Beach the temperatures were up in the eighties so I figured I'll need nothing but summer gear. How wrong I was!

On Friday I had to buy a pair of extra jeans and light windbreaker since thinking it would be too warm I left mine at home.

Anyway the further we got into Georgia and then Florida the nicer it got. Palm trees everywhere, fresh green vegetation and absolutely no sign of the winter that we just came from.

We shared the driving and that way it was not strenuous but still we drove about seventeen hours with no serious stoppage. That is a lot. But when we arrived all the strain and tiredness was forgotten.

Where we came from and where we arrived to made it worthwhile.

After driving through the night we did arrive in Daytona Beach at around 11 in the morning.

And with this I am leaving and going to take a nap.

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