Saturday, March 14, 2015


A while back I wrote about how I hate dirty foul mouthed people. How I hate people who have nothing better to do than spread rumors about others if for none other just because they want to appear knowledgeable.

Well, I hate to repeat myself but the ugly animal raised its head again.

This is the real background.

I lost my wife of almost 34 years over a year ago. Have no children, no family, I live alone. Thank God I have friends even though some proved that they had ulterior motives while appearing as friends. I owe no explanation to anybody for my actions and I take full responsibility for whatever I do.

I am a more than middle aged man but thanks to my good fortune I met someone I like a lot. She likes me and I like her. She likes me a lot and I like her a lot. Ok, so she is much younger than I am but that is the way I like it.

I never ever planned to meet any "proper to my age" woman and I never ever planned to have a relationship with any overweight or obese woman either. These characters are no interest me at all and I never ever planned to waste my time on them. It comes to a point when it is lot better to be alone than go into a forced and not wanted relationship.

Since some parties harbored false hopes for my interest in them now they are resorting to spreading vicious misinformation about my past life. In that process they are dishonoring the memories of the deceased. Now, how low one can get?

They are sticking their noses where they do not belong, they are criticizing the life I and my lady friend live. Why don't they look around their own household and try to clean up their own mess?

Who made these people the guardians of morality?

Why don't they try to lose some weight or try to make their own husbands happy instead of worrying about my happiness and questioning what need as a man I might have. Or even worse, accusing my girlfriend that she must be sick and something must be wrong with her if she puts up with an older man like me. I can assure every interested soul that she is not sick. The exact opposite. She is healthy, attractive and physically active.

Maybe the people who raise such questions are the sick ones!

Thank to my good luck, I am healthy and physically active. I can make my girlfriend very happy and satisfied. I wish on all my sour grapes critics that their partners could make them as happy as I am making my partner!

These are desperate and vicious things people engage in. Looking back, their lives are nothing to brag about. Maybe they should concentrate on some kind of damage control instead dispersing lies and attacking others.

I also know a few deep dark secrets about some but being a much nicer and kinder person than they are I will keep them to myself.

BUT there is no guarantee of how long will I be able to do that!

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