Saturday, May 24, 2014

Smart Me

I am very proud of myself. I'm a real computer whiz.

Yesterday I did my weekly housecleaning being Thursday. I don't know why but it was always Thursday that we did the cleaning. And, I don't know any reason to change it. It is as good a day as any.

Anyhow, every week I stand in the middle of the apartment and contemplate what is it that I have to do. I mean I know what has to be done but there are certain things that I decided to do every two or three weeks.

But the problem is that I don't remember what I did the previous week thus it is difficult for me to plan the work. And certainly don't want to do things that are not needed to do. I have enough to do as is.

So what did smart me do? Created a scheduling spreadsheet with all the tasks on it and all the dates ahead. This way I can see what needs to be done, what not and at what frequency.

After I was done with the spreadsheet I was very proud of myself. Maybe there is a way to survive this avalanche of responsibilities said I.

Don't misunderstand, I am saying surviving the avalanche of physical responsibilities not surviving the emotional hurt that has been caused!

The more time goes by the more I realize that maintaining a decent apartment or household is a major task. My wife and I'm sure all the wives make it look easy. But wait until it becomes a man's task.

I did all my chores without arguments but it was always she telling me what to do. Now I have to think for myself and believe me it is not easy.

I am only tasked with the upkeep of an apartment and even that is difficult. I can not imagine what it would take for a man to keep a house going.

All I can say is that hope that it will never come to that. And, read what I wrote carefully. Hope, I said and not pray. Because praying will not help at all! Believe me, I tried and it didn't work for us!

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