Friday, May 30, 2014


Today I made a major decision. O.k. its not that major because it is far in the future but its a decision.

I will make a pilgrimage. Not to Jerusalem, not to Rome and not to Mecca.

I will make a pilgrimage to Hungary. People who never went there can not image the beautiful places of worships they have there. And I plan to visit as many as possible.

Now before anybody will think that I went totally bananas I will explain. These places of worships that I am talking about are places where people worship food.

To me Budapest has the best restaurants in the world. I said it before and I will repeat it again, I love Hungarian food and where is the best place to get it? Hungary of course.

It is a sad reality that New York that some people claim is the center of the universe has no real Hungarian restaurants. Which means that anybody who wants to eat well must visit Hungary. In addition to the food the pastries are an entire different world. Not this muffins and pies and cupcakes that are the top of the American pastry art, but real pastries with real fillings.

Granted, it is instant diabetes but one has to do it with some measure of self control.

My plan is that right after I finish my buffet lunch on Friday I will start a serious diet in order to be ready by next Spring! Of course there will be some exceptions when I will have to eat well but I have to control myself.

This trip is only being talked about and is subject to nothing happening to me and my cousin I plan to go with.

We will be two pilgrims visiting those epicurean holy places.

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