Friday, November 28, 2014


This is a little morbid and sad thinking out loud from my part. I would understand anybody if they decide not to read any further.

Thanksgiving is an American holiday that dates back to the days of the pilgrims. They gave thanks for whatever they were thankful for. I guess not to be killed by the Indians.

As it was handed down from generation to generation the custom stayed that people sitting around the dinner table gave thanks for all the good that happened to them during the previous year.

Up to last year I kind of believed in that and also gave thanks but my feeling is now changing.

This year I am not thanking anybody for anything except whoever is paying my dinner.

I have absolutely nothing to be thankful for since nothing good happened to me and to my loved one. Last year was one of the worst I experienced in my adult life. The love of my life was taken away from me and I can find no logical explanation to what happened.

Well, logical explanation I can find but I refuse to believe it and associate it with what people believe in. They say everything is happening for a reason. I can find no reason as to what happened. We both prayed and hoped for help that never arrived. So what's the use for being thankful.

To whom?

God, Buddha, Allah, Jehovah and everybody else turned away from us and didn't think it was important enough to offer their help. So, as far as I am concerned they can all sit around the table and have a good laugh at our sufferings.

Because of this, on this Thanksgiving I am not grateful and thankful to anybody and anything and I have a feeling that I will remain this same cynical person for a very long time. Actually, I will not even call Thanksgiving Thanksgiving anymore just plain turkey day. Come to think of it turkeys should be the last to call this day Thanksgiving.

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