Thursday, November 13, 2014

Sirius Radio

I took possession of my new car on September 19 of this year. One of the gimmicks they have is a three month free subscription to Sirius XM Radio. Hyundai takes this so seriously (not Siriusly) that permanent buttons are in the dash front of the driver.

After three months the radio goes silent unless I subscribe to it.

For those who don't know what Sirius XM Radio is, that is a subscription radio system with over 200 channels providing every kind of programming under the sun. Since it is like the cable TV the programming do not fall under FCC rules. Meaning, adult themes, language are free to be used.

I don't have anything against normal vulgarity. Some jokes are really funny when they are described the adult way and in this radio system there are channels that do just that.

Anyway, I like the 40s music, the Elvis channel, the Metropolitan Opera channel and a few others.

My free subscription will expire on December 19 and from then on I will be pestered by these people to subscribe. I had this on my two previous Hyundais also and never subscribed to it.

One time I told a very pushy sales person that if he gives me a $1 per month subscription I will sign up. He hung up!

I don't drive that much that I should pay for special radio programs. Maybe if I would be on the road hours every day I might take advantage of it. Otherwise AM and FM radio is perfectly satisfactory for my needs. And they are free. No way, no how will I pay for listening to the radio. Bad enough that television is no longer free since the cable system was introduced.

I have another four weeks to go and I will enjoy them until then. After that time I will just gaze at those buttons until my lease period is up.

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