Friday, November 14, 2014


It is unbelievable how news programs live or rather thrive on panicking the public. If it is a slow news day they will find something that will definitely create apprehension if not panic. They can find the smallest no news item and blow it up to create problems. And all done under the pretense that the public has the right to know.

No, it is not the public it is the nosy news people, the nosy reporters who have to stick their noses everywhere even if it does not belong there.

Today all day long, every four minutes there was a weather forecast on an all news radio station because they were anticipating snow. Just before noon they announced that the Sanitation Department declared a snow emergency, whatever that means.

Actually what that means that a bunch of sanitation drivers throughout the City will be sitting in their warm sand trucks all night long drinking coffee and collecting overtime pay. A few more nights like that and Christmas will look pretty good for them.

I came home tonight around nine o'clock and it was raining with no trace of any snow. The funny thing is that these news stations cover such a large area that if it snows anywhere they can claim the "we told you so". I think if it snows in Colorado they will claim credit for it.

Unfortunately when a real tragedy strikes these news people are in seventh heaven. The more people die the more they like it.

I don't know which is better: be totally informed and live in constant fear or live being oblivious to anything that's happening in the world?

Each has its advantages. Individuals should decide which format they prefer.

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