Sunday, November 23, 2014

Music and Antiques

Many years ago I was watching some band playing on TV and they also had somebody singing. I noticed that many of the characters had something looking like hearing aids in their ears. I thought that those people had hearing problems and that's why they were having hearing aids.

Later on I was informed and thus educated that all musicians and singers were wearing these "hearing aids" while on stage for a reason. I asked around and found out that it seemed they could not hear their own voices, their own music without these aids because of the other outside noises.

This is completely idiotic!

Recently I was watching a small group of musicians playing and in my opinion they all must have had degrees in computer science because every instrument was electronically connected to computers, tablets or some similar gadgets and that also included the singers.

I went to theaters here in the US and in Europe and most of the time the performers had some kind of microphone attached to their foreheads or the sides of their faces regardless how small was the theater.

Whatever happened to good old fashioned music where the singers belted out songs and the bands played non-electrified instruments? When they sang in those large auditoriums, theaters, operas they did it without any mechanical help, relying only on their voices and talents. I guess those days are gone because in today's technology singers can give concerts without emitting any sound and by mouthing the words they are relying on the talents of the engineers and not on their own.

Oh, where are the good old days when talents were really talents!

Something else.

A while ago I went to a coffee shop in Brooklyn where they decorated the walls by displaying antique items. I looked at those "antiques" and realized that if they are antiques then I must be antique, too.

Amongst those things there was an old typewriter, an old coffee grinder, an old charcoal heated iron and some other items that I recognized from my childhood. We had those things when I was growing up and today they are displayed as antiques. Boy this made me feel really old.

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