Monday, November 24, 2014


Today I had a very good day. Sundays I am usually home without any real plan to go anywhere or do anything useful. So when the opportunity came to meet with my best friend and his wife I really grabbed it.

Not because it would have been a long boring day but because I love the guy and I am always happy to see him.

This time they came to New York for a brief but necessary visit to a relative and I just grabbed the chance to spend some time with each other. We had lunch all of us together then they came over my apartment and some nice conversation.

The relative they visited I knew. We used to be friends about fifty years ago but then drifted apart due to peculiarities of life. It was very interesting (and sad) to see someone again after such a long time. But that's life. We all change except some of us don't want to accept it.

When we got alone we talked about our planned trip next year so all in all it was a very pleasant day (at least for me).

Like I said at the beginning Sunday usually is a quiet day for me with not much to do. One reason I don't go anywhere is that I have nowhere to go, the other reason is that Sunday every place is more crowded than during the week. As long as I am retired and have all the time in the world might as well take advantage of the workweek quiet. People are at work thus there is less traffic and stores or eating places are less crowded.

Anyway, tomorrow another week starts. When I worked I used to like this week because it was always short due to Thanksgiving and we always got the next day off.
It was easy to work until Wednesday and get paid for the whole week.

Now it doesn't make any difference for me because there is not much variety between the days. Except maybe that on Thanksgiving we are going out to eat.

As far as Thanksgiving goes I certainly feel that I have nothing to give thanks for!

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