Wednesday, December 30, 2015


We live in an apartment building on the third floor. Apartment building means that there are neighbors below us, above us and next to us. Now below us lives a couple who are a husband and wife. I think they are Russians. When we moved in we introduced ourselves and asked them to excuse us for the noise the moving would produce. They were nice and told us not to worry about it.

That was the last time they were nice to us. Ever since then they are writing letters to the Board of Directors complaining about us and of how noisy we are.

The other day the agent responsible for managing the building called and then followed it with a letter requesting us to provide floor covering to about 80% of the floor areas.

The problem this Russian paranoid shit has is that nobody lived in this apartment for about two years and they got used to the quiet. Now that there are people above them they are complaining. I responded to the call saying that if they didn't like it they could always move!

Anyway, just to appease the Board today we bought a few carpets. Will lay them down tomorrow and will see how they cover the floors. It is a shame because we really like the parquet flooring but if we can not have it then we just have to obey the house rules.

They piss me off and I will dance the csardas at midnight right over their heads.

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