Friday, July 18, 2014


It is Thursday afternoon and I am home sitting on my laurels. Actually I am sitting on a chair writing but between the chair and me are my laurels.

I'm pretty satisfied with my actions right now.

Nothing earth shattering or changing of history just plain house cleaning. As you might remember, yesterday my bathroom was painted. For some people it is not a big deal but I am not some people. For me it was a huge deal!

The mess left behind was not restricted to the bathroom alone. The man went in and out of the apartment, I walked around thus the dust and and other unnamed particles that were found all over the place.

I got up early this morning, really early and started the cleaning very diligently. And, by 12:30 I was done. Cleaned the whole apartment top to bottom and now I am sitting on my laurels.

Actually, I am afraid to move around because everything is so nice and clean and I'm afraid to mess things up. that's why I'm just sitting.

Another thing.

I heard on the news about the Malaysian Airline tragedy. The one that crashed in Ukraine. It is terrible and the sad reality is that very likely nobody will ever know why it crashed. Politics can sometimes be real cruel.

But what I just couldn't stand was the news. I had the TV on and every major network had their people involved with this event. They talked and they talked. They just talked so their voices could be heard while they had no idea what they were saying.

They kept speculating, spreading ideas, each one was making us the viewers believe that he or she was the expert while none of them had any more information about what really happened.

It just turned my stomach so I shut the TV off. These news people are unbelievable. They can talk forever about anything without any real information without any idea of what really happened.

I truly believe that they thrive on panic and because of that they love to spread it. Nothing is worse than a slow news day. Now they are in their elements.

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