Saturday, July 19, 2014


Yesterday that poor Malaysian Airlines plane crashes and the stock market crashed, too. everybody was running for the hills. It dropped so much that they said it was the worst in about three months.

Why? What did an airplane crash had to do with the economical outlook? I guess there is no real explanation it just happens.

Today it seems the whole affair is forgotten, at least by the investment world because at the end of today the market went back up 123 points. Investors have thankfully very short memory.

Something else.

Today was a very quiet day. I really didn't do much. Actually, I didn't do anything at all. I was supposed to meet a friend but he didn't show up so I was without any other plans. For his excuse he is really advanced in his age and it was possible that he didn't feel good.

My friend is going on a week long vacation Saturday and I will take her and her daughter to the airport. That means I have to get up 4:30 in the morning because after picking them up we should be at JFK by 6 o'clock.

So, after finishing this writing I will try to go to sleep. Since in the past several months I am unable to have one good night's sleep it is very unlikely that I will be able to sleep as early as 11 pm.

I almost forgot. I have a visitor while my friends are away. I am fish sitting for a siamese fighting fish. She, and they swear she is a she, is a very cute little thing. The perfect guest. Don't ask for anything, don't have to be entertained and don't eat much. Like I said, the perfect guest! And she is pretyy cute, too.

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