Monday, February 1, 2016


All's well that ends well. My wife returned from her Florida trip and we had a very sweet reunion. I knew I missed her but not until I saw her I realized just how much. Now, we are together again and I love every minute of it!

She told me it was a very easy flight. Interestingly, the plane departed almost a half hour early and got to JFK way before its scheduled time. It was a good thing that I tracked her flight because this way I was there when she walked out.

Since then we are never more than five feet away from one another.

Something else.

Today is Sunday and it is five in the afternoon and we didn't do anything useful yet. We must go down to do some emergency food shopping but otherwise it is a very, very lazy Sunday.

We have no culture programs planned for the near future, we have no social programs planned for the near future. But I think we will survive this dry spell. What we do is we stay home and talk about future plans. What we would like to do, where we would like to go. And see how these things can be realized.

To live without any plans is not living. It is just existing. A carrot exists because it has no plans. But we are not carrots so we plan.

How is this for a Freudian analysis of life.

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