Tuesday, October 14, 2014

New Week

Today is Monday and the beginning of a new week. Actually this statement is totally meaningless because in my life there is absolutely no difference between the days of the week.

When one is retired each day is pretty much the same as the other. The only difference is that at certain places one might find more people on a weekend than during the week. Unless there is a large unemployment because than the weekdays become crowded, too.

I do have certain things that I do on any given day so, there is some difference. Like I do laundry every other Wednesday afternoon, cleaning my environment every Thursday, go to the gym as much a I can or feel like, go to friend's house for dinner a couple of times a week and a few other things.

But right now I have nothing planned meaning I am staying close to home. The funny thing is I like to be home. I feel safe and secure and comfy within my four or five or six walls.

This is the beginning of Fall. I hate Fall. I think it is a useless season with a lot of uncomfortable weather meaning rain. I am not a farmer and I have no grass so I am not a fan of rain.

When it rains people get wet, people forget how to drive and it becomes very inconvenient to be outdoors.

I like Winter and I love Summer. I could be perfectly satisfied with those two seasons but I guess I have to tolerate the the other two also.

That's why I like to stay home. The shorter days contribute to my lack of desire to go out so I just don't.

Anyway, today I winterized my wardrobe. Meaning I took the Summer stuff and put them in some empty drawers that, sadly, are available to me now and took my winter stuff out from the plastic bag they were in since early this year.

When we used to do this with my wife and She went through Her wardrobe She always found items She didn't want anymore. Those things went to the Salvation Army. Every year we were able to donate a few plastic bag full of not wanted clothes. I guess that's how women are.

Do you know how many pieces of my stuff I looked at and said (to myself) I didn't want this anymore? Not a single one! I guess that's how men are.

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