Monday, October 13, 2014


I like music as much as the next guy. But there is music and there is screaming that in my book is not music.

If I can not remember the tune or the lyrics I just don't care to listen to it. This probably show my age and do sound like an old fogy but maybe that's what I am.

Anyway this takes me back to traveling.

It seems that no matter where I go there is nothing but American music. In Hungary they were playing American Music. In St. Maarten and ST. Martin (Dutch and French) they were playing American music.

I find foreign radio stations on the Internet and what are they playing? American music!

Other countries have no music of their own?

We went to a nice French restaurant in St. Martin where they weren't to keen speaking English and there was this musician playing and singing for the dinner crowd. And what was he singing? American songs!

He was pretty close to our table and when he finished I asked him how come he didn't sing a solitary French number.

The guy was British who lived on the island for a great many years. He told me that there were two reasons:

One - he didn't speak French and thus he didn't know any French songs, and

Two - the public preferred the American songs more than the French ones.

I used to go to another very French place where their musician played Louis Armstrong numbers all evening.

Whatever happened to nice music other than American?

I am required to show my passport every step of the way so I know I am out of the country, yet I feel like I never left home when it comes to music. This is totally wrong as far as I am concerned.

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