Monday, October 6, 2014

I'm Back

As the title implies, I am back. I apologize for not returning on September 14 but when one has nothing important to do it takes up a lot of time.

As I mentioned previously I was having a guest from the Old Country but that now needs to be adjusted because I had two guests from the Old Country. I am so hospitable that even I am surprised at myself.

Both guests were very pleasant ladies, they brightened up my days and it was a pleasure to play the jolly host to them.

One of them accompanied me to St. Maarten where I could have or would have not gone by myself. This way I hope we both had a great time. Saw my friends and really enjoyed the tropical surroundings since the weather totally cooperated. Two lovely weeks in the company of a lovely person were spent there with sun, the sea, drinking and eating. What else a person needs on vacation?

My first guest stayed on for another two weeks exploring New York and when I did accompany her I found interesting areas I didn't realize existed. It is true that visitors know the city or even the country better than us who happened to live here.

My second guest who is a very longtime friend came to New York for only four days but those days were spent very pleasantly. We visited museums, did some shopping and ate good stuff.

Now I am trying to put my life back to its original track. Hook up with friends I neglected during the Summer, do things that must be done because they will not be done by themselves, start to lose weight (seriously) because things are getting out of control. Slowly I find that certain clothings that usually fit me are now dangereously on the tight side.

That's the price of good living one has to pay!

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