Sunday, March 30, 2014

We or Me

I am having a difficult time with the posessive nouns. At least that is what I think they are called. I am not William Safire, I am not a master of the English language but I still feel at home with it.

However, during discussions I am apt to talk about things in first person plural. Instead of saying I don't like it or I don't frequent it I will say we don't like it or we don't frequent it.

It is not easy to change one's habits after many years. I was first married for twenty years and the second time for over thirty-three years. So in all honesty I never had the chance to think for myself or never had a thought that was really just mine. In all those years I was practically told what to think and how to think. A domesticated version of the Manchurian Candidate!

Don't misunderstand me, I loved every minute of it. That is why it is so difficult to get used to saying things like it is mine, I don't like it or I don't go to places like that etc. ways selected our cars together. She was responsible for the colors and the look of the car. I was responsible for... I don't know for what, I think that they had four wheels. So, it was always our car. Now I have to say it is my car. Takes some getting used to.

While I am talking to people I keep catching myself talking about my wife in the present tense and saying things using the plural posessive noun. I am sure this will change and I will be able to conduct normal conversations but I do need time to get used to my new way of life.

Yesterday I received a condolance letter from somebody I have known for a very long time. I immensely respect and admire this person and all the advice he gave me I take very seriously. He went through a similar traumatic experience fifteen years ago and did not fall to pieces. He picked up and started life again and today he is very happily married for over ten years.

O.k. at the time he was ten years younger then I am now when his tragedy struck but what is age? It's only a number, right?

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