Tuesday, March 25, 2014

A day of rest

Sunday, the weekend went by so fast I barely noticed it. I know it is Tuesday now but I just came up for air from the busy weekend.

Saturday I was with friends, did supermarket shopping and other things. Sunday was a great day. I got up, fixed myself my favorite breakfast: two bird nests (I hope everybody know what they are), had coffee, freshened up the apartment, paid some bills then settled down to do absolutely nothing.

As an excuse, I am battling a stubborn cold that is still on the incoming path. For lunch I fixed myself what seemed like a gallon of Lipton chicken noodle soup or the Jewish penicillin that I ate at one sitting.

In the afternoon I watched a lot of college basketball (which I really don't care about one way or another), snoozed and watched more.

Had a few telephone calls than watched more. For dinner I had more "penicillin". A friend of mine made me real chicken soup that I ate. It was fabulous. Can't wait until I eat the other half. Too bad it is in the freezer and frozen solid.

After dinner more tv then about midnight go to sleep for a well deserved rest.

But look at it the other way. Everything I didn't do on Sunday I have another day to do. This way I'll never be bored!

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