Saturday, December 5, 2009

December 5, 2009

Today, the most important news one could hear on TV and radio was the impending snow storm.

Granted, it was to be the first snow of the season but to get hysterical about it is a little ridiculous.

We are skirting winter. Winter supposed to start 16 days from now so, it is acceptable that the weather would turn cold or colder. But to make such a big hullabaloo about it is kind of a joke. The weathermen of the media have nothing to talk about so they harp on something that has absolutely no importance.

For snow to accumulate in the City it must be below freezing for quite a few days. As it is now, we never had a below freezing day, yet. It was just too warm for the season.The pavements are just not cold enough to keep the snow.

But why not to upset the driving public. It takes a lot less to mess up traffic so why create fear in the hearts of the drivers unnecessarily. Because it doesn't cost them any money and they have something to talk about.

On December 4, 1957, I remember we had such a blizzard, it buried the City. I just came to New York not even a month a half before this and I was stunned. Never saw such a snow storm. But since then in subsequent years I saw enough.

The weather is so screwed up that is seriously affecting the ski areas in the nearby mountains. Usually, most of them are open for some limited skiing by this time. This year none opened yet. It just doesn't get cold enough to make machine snow.

Is this the effect of global warming?

Since I like skiing I just hope the weather will correct itself and makes up for the late start.

I must go skiing! It's about the only thing I can do for free and enjoy my senior citizen status. Being old has its (very) limited advantages.

I am convinced that Social Security is subsidizing senior people's skiing. They figure the more we ski the better the chances that we kill ourselves on the slopes and they won't have to pay the monthly Social Security for too long.


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