Sunday, December 27, 2009

December 27, 2009

I usually don't react to comments because I am a pacifist and also the day I retired I gave up my rights to argue!?

But I would like to comment on the two ressponses to yesterday's blog.

First, I do NOT sympathize with the retailers. May they be small or large, white or black, christian or Jew or Muslim or anything I might have missed.

They have one single aim in life and that is to rip off the unsuspecting public. And they do it without batting an eye.

I really don't care about their markups or slim profits. That is no interest to me. What I am interested in is how much the merchandise will cost me and does it worth it. No matter how you shake it the money comes out of my pocket and I expect an acceptable merchandise for the value. Actually now I expect better than acceptable merchandise for the value.

My motto (as stupid as it sounds) is: if they don't like what they are doing they should have become brain surgeons!

As far as the toys go for the grand kids. Since we live in a retro world why not to reintroduce the good old days.

Give the kids a handkerchief or a pencil or a pen. Or even a book. They might even read it. It would be interesting to see what their reactions would be.

Actually, I would not dare to try this on my own kids but as an experiment it would be interesting.


My brother-in-law brought to our house for Christmas dinner a bottle of slivovitz. I happen to like Hungarian pear or plum or apricot brandies. All these are mean, strong drinks. A person usually doesn't drink more than 3cl at a time. At least I don't.

At Thanksgiving him and I polished off a bottle of pear brandy. So for Christmas he brought the slivovitz. That is a really mean drink. This one is eight years old, made from fresh plums and is of Serbian origin.

It explains why Serbs are mean. This is the stuff they drink.

If Pacific Islanders who didn't do anything but danced the hula and made love all day drank this stuff they might have turned out like the Serbs. Mean and angry.


  1. From very long experience, I can assure you not all retailers have the intention of ripping off the public. We certainly never had that intention. As far as brain surgery is concerned, not everybody has the talent for it or had the opportunity to study for it and ended up doing retail. Also from long experience, we know that our present customers are not there to rip people off, but to earn an honest living. Besides the necessity of shopping it is recreational, especially for the ladies and it passes the time. When you are retired, or 75%retired like me, it is still better than sitting at home.

  2. When we go shopping, not my cup of tea, I look at the labels of the merchendise and I can saftley say NOTHING IS MADE IN THE USA. This is the result of wanting to pay less for everything.

    China and the far east owns all the manufactoring.

    It will be just a few more years and the US will be completely at the mercy af the now third world coutries.

    Buying on the cheap will cost a lot more than a few pennies. It will cost our future.

    WE buy stuff we don't need, we buy too much of what we consume and we buy oil from our enemies.

    How dumb is that?
