Tuesday, December 29, 2009

December 29, 2009

I have a cold. My wife has a cold.

These are the facts of life for us. She got the cold first and was feeling pretty bad yesterday. For today those darn germs leaped over to me and found a home in my nose. Fortunately my wife is slowly coming out of it while I am slowly getting into it.

I received my flu shot but it does not protect me from the common cold.

I consider myself tough and not a weakling. But when I have the cold, forget it. I am constantly sniffing, drinking tea, eating chicken soup and don't go out of the house if not necessary.

Now that we are both retired we have the luxury of staying home. The mystery is how we caught it.

We don't use public transportation, we don't mingle where there are a lot of people. However, we do go to the supermarket and we visit stores. So it was probably at one of those places where the bug landed on one of us.

It is very interesting to see how the toughest person in the world is reduced to a sniffing kid when he has a cold. No, it is not me but because I'm not the toughest person in the world. But the cold flattens anybody without no respect.

It's amazing that medical science didn't find a cure for the common cold. They have all kinds of preventive suggestions but none for the cure once one has it. It just has to run its course.

I had to stop and blow my nose. If I can get a dollar for each time I blew my nose today I would be in a much higher tax bracket. My nose is ready to fall off from the constant blowing.

Man, I'm miserable!

I'm sure the golfer never gets a cold!


  1. I see you find it difficult to live without visiting the despised stores!

    The golfer might not catch a cold, but might catch vd.

  2. When I was in Hungary and as part of the Boys Scout weekend outing to the Buda side mountains my leader tought me a lesson.

    My sandwich fell on the ground face down, he said a little dirt is good for you. It will build up your immune system.

    I lived by his words and till this day I put germs in my body. No flue shots just dirt. Seldom wash my apple or grapes.

    Result...........NO FLUE ........NO COLDS
