Thursday, December 24, 2009

December 24, 2009

Today is Christmas Eve. That is the day before Christmas.

People are shopping like crazy, the streets are crowded. Lot of workplaces are closed today and that explains the crowds. Some people are waiting until the last minute hoping to get better deals than the earlier shoppers.

We heard today that Saturday, the day after Christmas might be a day for better deals than any other day before the Holiday. That's all the people need. If that's the case we might just postpone Christmas until all the shopping possibilities are exhausted.

We are celebrating Christmas in accordance with the Hungarian customs, at least the customs we are used to. That means we are opening our presents on Christmas Eve, after dinner.

Then tonight I'll stay up late watching the Midnight Mass from St. Patrick's Cathedral. I always find it interesting and very moving.

On Christmas Day we are having a family get together when we exchange more presents. Then on the day after (Saturday) the whole thing is over.

The only thing remaining is the nice memories and the leftovers to eat, which is not the worst thing in the world.

Now I will be very cynical. Everywhere we turn we can hear Christmas music. All the stores are blaring it, now it' on the radio. It is enveloping us.

Let's admit, the repertoire is not so great. That means no matter where one turns there is Rudolf with his red nose. And this goes on since Thanksgiving.

There is a point when one gets sick of all this phony Holiday Cheer!

Anyway, Merry Christmas to all!

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