Tuesday, December 15, 2009

December 15, 2009

I am Hungarian. Not a very proud Hungarian but nevertheless still Hungarian.

I am not proud because today Hungarians are behaving like vermin. They don't deserve to be in the European Union, they don't deserve to be in NATO and they don't deserve to be in the UN.

In short they are garbage.

World War II has been over for 64 years. Thank God Nazi Germany lost the war. Hungary was on the German side which means they were on the losing side.

Now, the Hungarian Nazis want to reawaken the "good old days". They are marching in the open with all the old and some new Nazi emblems as well as wearing old style fascist uniforms.

Antisemitism, that was never far from the surface in Hungary, is now waking up from its slumber.

I saw a video about a demonstration in Budapest for the Palestinian refugees. The camera picked up a person shouting that all Jews should die, even the good ones.

There was no visible police presence, there was no interference with the demonstration. The Hungarian police, the courts and government is hiding behind the free speech and free assembly issue.

In every neighboring country including Germany they forbid reference to any Nazi or fascist ideology, yet in Hungary they can not get near this thing.

A while ago a right wing Hungarian group went over to Slovakia supposedly to see a soccer game. Once there they started fighting, hollering nationalistic slogans and generally interrupting the soccer game.

The Slovak riot police had enough and beat the crap out of these hooligans. At the end the Hungarian government had to take diplomatic steps to protest the fight even if the Hungarians were asking for it.

Now, these dirt bags are out against the gypsies, too. The discrimination against the gypsies in Hungary is reminiscent to what happened to the blacks in the US in the early 1900s.

Hungarian fascists drive up to a gypsy village in the middle of the night. Firebomb a house on the outskirts and when the family is running for their lives they shoot them in the back. Men, women and children no difference. Then they disappear. The police is making a lame effort on these cases with usually no result.

The current democratic government is split with an anti anything minority party. The minority party's only interest is to destroy the government, ruin Hungary's reputation in the outside world. And close their eyes towards the right wing.

The minority party is currently running very strong and hoping to win the next election, next April. I have to point out that they were in power once already around 2000 but were voted out pretty quickly. Ever since then they are waiting in the wings.

They are like the Prince of Wales. Forever the heir to the throne but never the king.

Here is a short story about the Hungarian mentality. There is this tremendously popular Budapest soccer club. It is well known everywhere and its fan base is huge. When the soviet type government was ended capitalism came in the country. Sport clubs that used to be supported by the government needed to look elsewhere for financial support.

This particular club was on the verge of bankruptcy because could not find a new owner. Finally a person came forward and offered to buy the club. He was a Hungarian millionaire businessman. Oh, and he was Jewish.

On the first game after the acquisition the "grateful" fans held up signs saying "The train is leaving for Auschwitz".

By the way, this picture made the major medias worldwide.

This is why I am not a very proud Hungarian.


  1. I second your feelings.

    Aren't we lucky that we left Budapest when we did?

    I well remember the night when your Mom asked us to leave this place and find a new life somewhere else.

    I thank her everyday.

  2. I second all the above. However the food, the music, some of the literature is still a draw. Also our parents grave. Who will look after them or visit them after we are gone? As you will remember i got Friendly with Fecske a few years ago. His knowledge of judaism and general intelligence I liked. We fell out recently when I said I am not a Hungarian, I am a jew. As a coup de grace, I sent him an article, which I beleive I sent to you too, from an American Hungarian paper about this subject.
