Sunday, May 17, 2015


In the middle of this past week I called up my cable provider and asked them why was my monthly cable TV bill so high. Actually I took a copy of my friend's bill and compared the two services. That was when I saw the big differences in the detailed pricing.

Their explanation was that the two can not be compared. It is like apple and oranges. He might be receiving certain promotions while I was not. Anyway, they talked their way out of it.

However the lady I spoke to seemed nice and told me she might be able to do something about lowering my bill.

Bottom line was I received a new high speed modem and a new much better cable box, one can record shows. Also a whole bunch of pay stations like HBO and some more for no additional charge.

And, she said that at the same time my bill would be about $30 a month less. Sounds too good to be true but I went for it anyway.

Today the technician was here and installed the new stuff. It remains to be seen how good this thing is.

I learned a long time ago that one can not get anything for free. One way or another they will get me, I know. But right now I am bathing in the joy of how thrifty I am.

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