Saturday, May 16, 2015


Car salesmen are one of the sleaziest bunch of people on the surface of earth. I have no car salesmen in my family or circle of friends so I can freely abuse them. They thrive on promises to the naïve buyer and as far they are concerned once the buyer walks out of the showroom they don't want to know anything further.

Case in point.

My GF bought a car in Florida and at the time they promised her everything under the sun. She bought a maintenance plan and a service plan for the new car. At the time of the purchase, earlier this year, she already lived here in the Northeast.

The salespeople swore on the bible that these plans are acceptable throughout the country wherever there is an authorized dealership or service.

This morning I took the car for service. It turned out there was nothing needed just an oil change and tire rotation. When I informed the service person about all the prepaid plans she already has I was informed that these plans were acceptable only in Florida.

When I argued I was told that I was not the first person with this kind of problem and be assured that there was nothing they could do. There was nothing I could do either but leave the car and get the service.

For a lousy oil change and tire rotation they charged around $110. This is Mitsubishi in case anybody is interested. I have a carwash close to me where they do pretty good oil change for $35 and they also throw in a free car wash.

I came home pretty worked up about this and wrote a letter to the dealership and asked them to refund my money. See what's going to happen.

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