Sunday, March 20, 2016


This world is now, culturally speaking without borders. I became such an international person that I even amaze myself.

Yesterday we went to see a Spanish or more accurately Andalusian flamenco festival in Manhattan. After the show we went to a Brazilian restaurant for dinner. I have to mention that on Wednesday we bought a Korean (South not North) car.

Today we went to a Polish delicatessen but before that we visited a Romanian butcher store where they sell great cold cuts and most of them are Hungarian style. After the butcher store we went to a German supermarket and all that was before the sun went down.

To keep up the international spirit my wife and I went to dinner to a Peruvian restaurant. I never ate Peruvian and if this was that I am very satisfied. Yesterday's Brazil was so-so but that might have been our fault.

For two Hungarians this was like trip around the gastronomical world.

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