Saturday, September 12, 2015

September 11

Today is September 11, the fourteenth anniversary of the destruction of the World Trade Center. And, as every year before there was a remembrance at the site where the two Towers stood.

I was in Tower Two on that fateful day and thanks to my Guardian Angel I got out without a scratch. Sadly though, thirteen of my colleagues were not so lucky. They lost their lives right there and then.

It was a very sad day for all of us that we will always remember. We will remember the events before, during and after. We remember the friends we lost whose lives were cut short by some idiotic political machine.


We gathered our remaining forces and went back to work in about three weeks and tried to continue life as normal as possible. We got new offices, we had work and with the exception of a few people we all went back to our duties and responsibilities.

Ok, every September 11 we had a few minutes of remembrance in the office of the past events and about our lost friends.

But not the magnitude the victims' families are forcing the government to make each and every year.

I resent the hullaballoo they are making Downtown with the reading of the names. Some people can not pronounce the names on their lists. Why put such idiots up there? I can not imagine more frustration of a family than hearing their loved ones' names mispronounced. Not to give that small respect to the person than say his or her name correctly is a straightforward insult.

I guess the victims' families are so well organized that no government official dares to say no to them meaning this circus will go on and on until eternity or until one politician will have the guts to say finally that no! No more ceremonies but just maybe a quiet remembrance.

Its time to let go and let the world go on, on its own path toward some kind of normalcy.

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