Saturday, July 11, 2015


Yesterday, Thursday I had that funny feeling that we were cut away from this world of ours. Last night we realized that the Internet was down. In my house that meant no TV, no computer and no telephone. It is interesting to see how we are lost when the Internet/cable go down. We so much depend on it that it is unbelievable.

Fortunately this morning when we woke up everything was back in order. I think there was a big storm around here and that something to do wit the loss of the service.

Anyway, that was why I couldn't write my daily input yesterday.

That storm was on Thursday. I saw on the internet that there was a huge storm in Budapest and surrounding areas on Wednesday. Killed one person and created millions of dollars damage.

Isn't interesting? Maybe the end of the world is coming. These storm are now popping up everywhere. In Europe and in here, too. Very scary.

Something else.

Attached I am showing the rings I bought for my fiancée. One is the engagement ring and the other is the wedding ring. They are both very beautiful and look great on her hands.

I hope she will wear them and be very happy. I know that I love her very much and want nothing but what is best for her and me and for the both of us to be happy.

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