Thursday, January 28, 2016


I keep falling into this pattern of delinquency by not writing as I should, meaning every night. It is not laziness, it is not that I have nothing to write about its just that I run out of time and by the time I get to writing it is so darn late that I rather go to bed than sit here and write.

My wife and I have a routine that we do almost every night (nothing dirty, mind you!). Around midnight we go to the computer and do Hungarian crossword puzzles. There is a daily edition that we try to solve and mostly we succeed. It takes about twenty minutes to a half an hour. But the problem is that after we finish it we start to watch some Hungarian videos on YouTube and before we realize it is almost two am.

Now, at that time I am really not capable to write anything not even my name. So, this is my excuse.

Right now, life is quietly flowing by. Thankfully nothing exciting is happening. And that is good because when something does happen it is usually unexpected and unpleasant. Who needs such an event.

Somebody might say that we are living a boring life. What is boring and what is not boring?

Things constantly happening do not make it an exciting existence. However nothing happening will certainly not make it a boring life. Maybe somebody young needs something happening at all the times. But, over middle age nothing happening is sometimes a relief.

My wife and I have theater tickets, we made arrangements for a few vacations, we go out to restaurants and we also meet friends. There is nothing boring about this. Yes, we also do laundry and clean house on a regular basis.

And we love our life just the way it is now!

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