Sunday, January 10, 2016

The Day of My Birth

There is an American bakery/pastry shop near us called Martha's Country Bakery with about three locations in New York City. The one near us is a very nice and large establishment. They make all kinds of pastries American really like. It is a far cry from the real Hungarian pastries but hey, beggars can not be choosers.

We went there this afternoon for some pastries. It is a sit down place with table service and we waited about ten minutes until they could sit the three of us. But this is not the interesting item.

The interesting item is that while we waited we looked around. The place was full and at the counter there was a long line, too.

When we sat down and looked at the menu we saw that prices changed from last year. A slice of cake used to cost $5.50. From January 1st they raised the price of these cakes to $6.75. That was a 23% increase. My Social Security didn't go up 23% and neither did any of my pensions. If I were working I'm sure I wouldn't have gotten a 23% salary increase.

Yet, the place was full with a line out through the door with people waiting to get in and sit at the tables and spend their money. I really don't want to hear about poverty any longer. The Opera and the theaters are full, the restaurants are full and no matter where one turns people are spending their money.

Something else.

My birthday is coming to a close. From tomorrow on I am a year older at least nominally. It was a beautiful day. My wife really beat everybody out because one minute after midnight she gave me my birthday present.

Anybody who have dirty thoughts in their minds, shame on you! She gave me a lovely card which really made me shed tears and gave me some beautiful presents. One was a Grand Marnier gift box and the other thing was a beautiful Nike warmup suit and also a bottle of men cologne. Abigail also gave me some nice things and from this morning on I was getting telephone calls, e-cards and e-mails from friends. My cousin called from Budapest that always make me feel good.

Tonight my wife and I are going out for a twosome romantic dinner. So, until now it was a beautiful day that I wish would just go on and on and on.

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