Sunday, November 8, 2009

November 8, 2209

I don't like dancing. I was never good at it and never really liked it. I can't tell a rumba from a samba or a waltz from a foxtrot from a polka. The rock and roll was like a pre-qualifying test to the Barnum & Bailey circus, the twist was probably a chiropractor's dream.

By the time I would have learned a dance it went out of style and nobody danced it anymore.

When I was 18 years old my Mother had me sign up with a small dance school. That was fun.

At that time I had three main interests in life. Girls, girls and girls. The way I was thinking if the first two don't work out I can always fall back on the last one. At that age I took life very seriously!

So, I started to go to this dance school. It was filled with kids, boys and girls, of my generation. Nobody really wanted to learn to dance but all the boys wanted to touch the girls.

The elderly gentleman who was the owner/teacher was very strict. If we danced too close he warned us, if we danced too far from each other he admonished us. But in spite of all these difficulties I learned to dance.

Well, calling it dance is stretching it a little bit. I was able to hold any girl and kind of gyrate to the music in a very crowded dance floor. But that was enough to improve my social life.

My friends and I used to go to school dances and night clubs where the dance floors were more crowded than any self respecting sardine can. Ooh, life was good!

Today I can and love to dance with my wife and my wife alone. I hate to dance with anybody else. It is probably because she knows what I know and puts up with it. Someone else might not be so accommodating.

I like to see people who can dance nicely and in unison. On the other hand I hate to see people making fools of themselves on the dance floor. If they want to flirt or show off for each other, do it in private. Don't bore others with it.

To me the West Coast swing and the East Coast swing or the Austrian waltz and the American waltz are all the same. Don't bore me with technical details.


While we are talking about dancing here is an observation about Dancing With The Stars.

Having this show running for nine seasons it is getting very boring and predictable.
I can understand the so called stars, most of whom are without work exposing themselves for ridicule for the guaranteed $300K. But please, to show the world how untalented they are just not worth watching it.

Why not to have show where the pros fight it out between themselves. They are much more talented and better looking than their pupils. I realize that the show is a money maker for the network but can it not be made any more interesting?

When the stars dance I bet no one is watching them but everybody is looking at the accompanying pros. The guys are slim and good looking and the girls are just beyond plain words.

Is there anything wrong for wanting a TV show that is pleasant to watch?

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