Sunday, November 15, 2009

November 15, 2009

A little politicizing now.

Everywhere I turn now all I hear is Sarah Palin, Sarah Palin. I'm sick and tired of Sarah Palin.

This country is in a very sad shape if there is nothing else to talk about but Sarah Palin. And the Republican Party is in even worst shape if they place their hopes on someone like her.

It's not very likely that this country will ever elect a person for President who's foreign affairs experience is based on the fact that she can see Russia from her pack porch. And who's main trump card is that she is a hockey mom.

Sarah Palin glorifies white trash.

Her 18 year old daughter got pregnant from a 19 year old high school dropout and, her husband is a union card carrying blue collar man who likes to hunt.

She had to be groomed on how to behave on the campaign trail as well as had to be instructed on how to dress. She was coached on what to say and after a few embarrassing interviews she was kept in the background.

Now, that the elections are over and, thankfully she lost, her daughter and the father of the baby broke up.

Now is the time to cash in one's celebrity status. Levi Johnston, the baby's father is everywhere on TV telling his side of the story. He is planning to pose in the buff in Playgirl Magazine. I'm sure there is money in it. And, probably more money that he has ever seen. He is a high school dropout who right now is enjoying his fifteen minutes of fame.

The new grandmother just published her tell-all book and appeared on Oprah. She is cashing in on this stuff, also.

Next things should be for the entire family to appear on Jerry Springer's show. Because that's where they all belong to.

If these are the people with whom the future of this country lies, we are in bad shape!

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