Thursday, November 5, 2009

November 5, 2009

Just a little postscript to yesterday's political outburst of mine.

I saw on the news today that GOP leaders are trying to determine the trend of Tuesdays results. There is no trend!

People are sick and tired of being taken advantage of by corrupt and self serving politicians.

The short of it is: lower taxes, provide more work, provide healthcare, regulate the financial system and lower prices across the board.

Whoever can achieve this gets the job. It doesn't matter if he is a republican or a democrat or independent or anything else.

Stop looking at trends and start looking at how to help the situation. Because as it is, it ain't working!

Just remember: if you are not the lead dog the view never changes!

Now, one of my favorite subjects: unemployment.

Being an unemployed retiree I'm kind of familiar with the situation.

No matter what anybody says there is no work out there!

The media and the politicians are dealing with statistics. But we are not statistics, we are individuals with individual problems. If you are over qualified that is the problem, if you are under qualified that is the problem, if you are higher in age that is the problem. If you are white that's bad, if you are black that's bad, if you are in between that's not too good either.

Discrimination is rampant in today's job market. I don't care that it is against the law, everybody is doing it. There are a thousand and one ways an employer can refuse a prospective applicant without breaking any laws.

It is my opinion that if an employer reduced his workforce by whatever percentage and he continues to stay in business and function, the hopes are slim to none that he will ever rehire the people he terminated. It's just not good business to spend more on payroll than it is absolutely necessary. And life is being run by the profitability of businesses.

I remember that years ago the company I worked for was owned by a major American corporation. One time we had an employee meeting with the president of our division. They being the new owners, a lot of people were asking all kinds of questions primarily about the changes the company was implementing. Actually, the questions were aimed at the negative changes.

The president told us point blank that the company's first responsibility is to the stockholders. We, the employees come in second, or maybe third. That was a kind of kick below the belt. Totally unexpected, but the raw truth.

That is the sorry situation that governs our life today.

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