Sunday, November 22, 2009

November 22, 2009

Today is my 29th wedding anniversary. On November 22, 1980 I got married to my wife. In the 29 years that we have been together I never regretted that. We are having a great marriage.

We have no children, by mutual agreement, and I was never sorry about that.

Now, that we are both retired and we are spending 24/7 together we are getting along better than ever.

We met in 1978. I just lost my first wife, and my current wife just got divorced. So, we were both on the rebound.

When my first wife passed away I thought my life was over. Here I was 40 years old and I would live the rest of my life alone. I had no clue how I would meet anybody from the opposite sex.
I didn't realize that the beginning of the second half of my life was just around the corner.

It was a blind date. I actually had no marriage on my mind but she was very serious about it. Later I found out that after our first date when she went home her mother asked her about me. She told her that she found man she would marry.

Another thing should have raised a warning flag! When I called her the first time we discussed how and where we would meet. At the time she lived in Manhattan in an apartment house with a doorman in the lobby. We agreed that we would meet at whatever time in the building lobby. So, what my future love of my life asks? How will I recognize you? I said I wouldn't be the furniture and I wouldn't be the doorman. I'll be the other guy!

But we met and ever since didn't let go.

We didn't have any special celebration. It's only a date in the calendar. Basically every day is an anniversary. And I am grateful for every single day that I can be with her.

Sometimes we argue but not over anything serious. And we always make up.

Usually, I give in because if I don't I won't get fed!

1 comment:

  1. What my husband wrote is very true.We have a nice life together.I just hope it will last forever. Happy 29th!
