Monday, April 26, 2010

April 26, 2010

Yesterday, President Obama went to West Virginia to the memorial service of the 29 miners killed in a West Virginia coal mine explosion. Along went Vice President Biden and a large number of government officials.

That was the news item and here is my opinion.

I think the presence of these people was in extremely bad taste. It was without regards to the losses the families suffered. It was selfish, self serving and nothing but political photo opportunities.

They disregard other people's feelings towards their own goal. Maybe these families would have preferred to mourn in their own privacy amongst their own friends and neighbors. But no!

Obama and entourage had to be there to be in the limelight.

If the President behaves this way what do we expect from the rest of the politicians. This kind of behavior trickles down the line. They all follow the leader.

People change, and not for the better once they reach any kind of power.

As I said before I was an engineer. Throughout my working career I had a lot of contact with people from various City and State agencies, as well as railroads.

I found it very interesting that as soon as a person was employed by any of the above entities his demeanor went through a drastic change. They immediately became obnoxious, know it all and uppity with (civilian) outsiders.

They knew they had the upper hand and they never hesitated to show. Education had nothing to do with this syndrome. Most of the people I knew were engineers, college educated. Yet, they all behaved if they were raised in a barn.

Try to ask for some information from a railroad conductor. He invariably will make the hapless person feel like a total nincompoop. One could be a Nobel Prize winning nuclear physicist, yet they will still make him feel like an imbecile.

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