Thursday, April 22, 2010

April 22, 2010

Today is Earth Day.

Earth Day is a day designed to inspire awareness and appreciation for the Earth's environment.

On this day everything is green. The only green that I really like is money green.

But seriously, all they talk about today is what we should do about protecting the environment and how many big corporations are doing their share along the same line.

Give me a break!

Big companies are not doing anything to protect the environment unless they are forced to. They will just as easily pollute everything in site if that will make more profit along the way.

Whenever there is an event like this Earth Day, these companies come forward and tell the public that they are the best friends anybody can have. They will announce that they are doing everything to protect nature, the environment, our waters and everything else.

You know, the communists lied. They lied big time. But they could never come close to the lies these corporations are selling the public. These companies are the masters of subterfuge. They will go to any length to mislead the public and all in the name of making profits to the shareholders.

On this day everybody will be making promises on how to improve our lives by protecting this earth we live on.

If they are so concerned, how come nuclear power can not be implemented to generate electricity? Instead we continue mining either from far down below ground or by ripping apart mountains and hillsides thereby destroying entire natural areas.

How come we can not harness solar power and wind power? In other parts of the world these two power sources are in wide uses. But not here. And why not? It seems that lobbyists have a lot more influence than the average person believes.

The same applies to oil. No matter how much rhetoric is about getting away from our dependency on foreign oil, nothing ever happens except empty campaign slogans. Here the lobbyists are winning again.

They tell us how harmful are the foods we eat because they are full of chemicals. But we are used to it.

I remember that when I was a very young boy, my Mother took me on a summer vacation to a village. As it was customary we stayed with a farmer's family. These people had cows, chickens and other nice farm animals.

In one morning my Mother brought in fresh milk straight from the cow. She told me to drink it because it was supposed to be healthy. Well, I couldn't drink it. I made a big thing about it (I was a spoiled brat) that I didn't like that milk.

My Mother had to water it down so it would taste the same as the one I was used to back home.

I just wanted to show that even if our foods are full of chemicals, we are used to them. We couldn't recognize good healthy food if it would run us over.

We are so set in our ways that no matter how much they are talking we will still buy and consume what we are used to, no matter how harmful they might be.

But times like today gives a podium to the "smart" people who claim to know everything much better than the rest of us. They are the ones who eat only organic food but probably don't even bother to wash their fruits before eating.

I like to wash my fruits.

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