Friday, April 23, 2010

April 23, 2010

My son/daughter is a good boy/girl!

How many times we heard that statement on the various news programs. A statement like this used to be made by a parent about his/her offspring after the offspring committed some kind of crime. It is a typical occurrence that the parents are always the last to know.

Statements like these just indicate that parents today, in general have absolutely no clue about the doings of their children.

Most of the parents believe their children don't take drugs, don't get involved in criminal activity, stay away from sex and other bad stuff.

I can understand this because a child in the parent's eyes is incapable to commit bad things.
Also the fact that if both parents are working supervision is really non existent and kids can be very easily influenced.

Just the other day a terrible thing happened in Long Island. An 18 year old girl ran over a 69 year old woman with her van and the woman died.

The girl had no driver's license and was zonked out on drugs. She took the wheel from her boyfriend because it seems she didn't like the way he was driving. In the process she ran up into this women's yard, hit her and drove the truck right into her house.

At first she was screaming all kinds of apologies at the cameras and said she didn't mean it. Later she told the police that she did not feel so bad because the woman was 69 years old and that is old and she lived long enough.

What kind of an idiotic statement is that? If this is how she thinks then she deserves to be locked up for the rest of her life. How dare she to say that at 69 years of age somebody lived long enough and it is OK to be killed?

And the poor mother can do nothing but apologize for her. At this time, and it is very rare, the mother knew about her daughter's drug problem. But she is still convinced that she is a good girl.

I hope they lock this girl up and throw away the key.

It must be very difficult to be a parent today. One never knows what dark secrets the kids are hiding.

And it has nothing to do with the family's social status. Wealthy kids do just as many bad things as poor kids. Except, society kind of expects it from the poor kids but not from the wealthy kids.

I am relieved that I have no children. I am not exposed to heartaches, the midnight calls, the disappointments.

Granted, I am not exposed to the pleasures either, but hey nobody said life was fair!

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