Friday, March 12, 2010

March 12, 2010

Antisemitism is a dirty word. Maybe word is not old but the meaning is. It has been around from ancient times. Maybe not described so intelligently but it was always around.

Thank God that He created the Jewish people. If there were no Jews in the world there would be no one to hate.

I don't know why, but people do not like Jews.

But why Jews are singled out for such an enormous dislike? Why not Baptists or Lutherans or Buddhists or Hindus or any of the others? Why only the Jews?

Jews were kicked out of Egypt, kicked out of Spain, Portugal, Russia and many other places for no reasons at all. There were economic restrictions placed against them, their lives were hard, they were constantly discriminated against all throughout history.

The blacks in America complain that they were held in slavery for a few hundred years and that is the reason, even today, for their slow emergence into the mainstream of society.

The Jews were pushed down and persecuted for thousands of years by every ruler and authority but they managed to survive and overcome all obstacles.

The Jews were always ready pawns for any bully might that be the local cossacks or institutional governments.

But the cruelty that men could bring upon another is unmatched when it could be served upon the Jew. The hatred against them is unparalleled in history.

Here is the reason why I brought up this sensitive subject.

The other day I read a story about the barbarian way Polish men behaved in the town of Jedwabne on July 1941, when they murdered between 400 to 1600 Jews (estimates vary) in a burning barn-house.

This is just one story but it made my blood boil. The Poles and Ukrainians were always known to be brutally antisemitic. They out Germaned the Germans. They not just hate the Jews which is OK because we don't like them either, but their level of brutality is unmatched.

Maybe they are jealous because the Jews are more intelligent, maybe because they are more successful.

They should realize that brutality is in reverse ratio with intelligence, i.e. the more brutal the more stupid!

It is mind boggling the level of brutality man can inflict on another man just because of racial hatred. We can not even say that they behave like animals because animals are not brutal at all. They kill to eat and not for fun and their preys rarely suffer.

Back in those years the persecuted Jews were defenseless people. They went to their graves without a fight. But when they fought they were lions.

Perfect example is the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising.

And when the tide turned those brave Polish and Ukrainians changed into sniveling imbeciles begging for their lives.

Now there is a new generation that sprung from the ashes who will not stand for such a treatment any longer. The Never Again slogan is alive and well and it will apply anywhere in the world.

There is a resurgence of antisemitism in Hungary. Actually, it was always there but was kept under control. Now it is awakening its ugly head again. But there is nothing they can do to hurt the Jews again as they did in the 1940s.

The Hungarian neo-nazis are nothing but skinhead idiots who have nothing better to do with their life than hate someone.

The Polish garbage that participated in the Jedwabne massacre were nothing but uneducated dregs of the earth people.

Now they all claim that they like the Jews, they are accepting them into society. But a leopard doesn't change its spots. The underlying hatred against the Jews will always be there no matter what they say.

People tend to forget that in most of the civilized world the Jews were in the center of the industrial evolution, in the center of the financial world and in the center of most of sciences.

Getting rid of them would have turned the world into a stark place to live in.

Just look at the Palestinians. They claim Israel is theirs. Had Israel been theirs that country would have remained an empty desert, underdeveloped, torn by various internal dissents.

If everybody hates the Jews so much maybe all the Jews should just step back and let the world straighten out itself without their help. See how far they can get.

I am not a Jewish zealot. I am not an observant Jew. There are many people I don't like who happen to be Jewish but that is not the reason for my dislike.

I don't like when Jews do something very controversial because it is embarrassing and it just adds another log to the fire of antisemitism.

I was lucky so far in my life. With the exception of the Holocaust I never came across any subtle or open antisemitism.

But you don't know how many times I heard the remark about somebody that "he is Jewish but he is nice..."

If that is not blatant antisemitism then I don't know what is.

My way of saying it is "he is not nice but then he is Polish..."


  1. On the subject of Poles. I had quite a lot of contacts with Poles over the years. Some of them in business and many worked for us in the shops. The experience with them was invariably very good. A friend of ours was saved by Poles in the Holocaust. There is a revival of jewish culture in Poland, often "practiced" by nonjews. Well, this is a personal experience and of course most of them harbour antisemitic sentiments, I guess. Although I pracrice it, generalisation is not right.

  2. Of course we all agree on past history and the current trend of Jew hating. But , there is is BUT:

    Take a look at Goldman Sacks, the whole firm is Jewish, nore less. Not single handadly, but a major contributor to the financial collapse.

    Poulson arranged the full repaymnet of AIG debt to Goldman.
    Most shaky, not illegal, deals have their hands in it.

    Oh, yes they are the most profitable investmnet house in the world. People resent their success because their deals are always just a little bit on the edge.

    That is the way it was always.

    How about the diamond business?

    Now just at the begining of the pease negotiations 1600 new houses? That is not a way most coutries wouold have acted.

    So we give the world a reason and they just feed on it.
