Thursday, March 11, 2010

March 11, 2010

Today is almost the Ides of March. We are only ten days away from Spring but the weather is playing tricks with everybody.

In Hungary it has been snowing since yesterday. Officially, they were expecting about six inches to a foot by the end of today. Hungary's weather is almost the same as New York's.

A friend of mine just drove up from Florida over this past weekend and said it was warmer here in New York than down where he was.

Right now it is about 78 degrees and raining.

In Chile there was an aftershock in the country that was pretty sizable. That is almost like adding insult to injury.

In Vancouver during the Winter Olympics it was unseasonably warm, melting the snow needed for the skiing numbers.

Europe, mainly France, Spain and Portugal were just recently hit with some very high winds that caused several deaths.

These are just some of Mother Nature's fickle behaviors around the globe. If this does not signal the upcoming end than I don't know what other warnings we need.

As I said another time the world is coming to the end of its existence by December 2012. And all these happenings just signify that it is preparing itself to the big event.

I suggest that we don't make extensive plans beyond the 2012 date because it might not be possible to see them through.

My car lease expires in early 2012. I'll probably take another car and just hope there will be somebody to return it to at the end of that lease period.


It is all over in the news that the other day a 1980s teen heartthrob died of drug overdose. The official ruling is that it was accidental drug overdose. Yeah! Sure!

The man was 38 years old. He had a good ongoing career all the way from the 80s. He didn't sit home, without work, waiting for the telephone to ring with job offers. He had jobs, he was working.

Then why a good actor, I assume he was good, had to become a drug addict? And a drug addict to such extent that it lead to his death.

The media is talking about him as if he were a hero. To me he was nothing but a druggie.

This man got more breaks in life than ten other men would get. But he didn't appreciate them and wasted his life on drugs.

I do not feel sorry for such a loss. People like him don't deserve the breaks they receive. He took opportunities away from people who very likely deserved those more and would have appreciated them more, also.

Why couldn't he become a sex addict?

That never killed anybody, yet.

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